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How to overcome sin and temptations

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How to overcome sin and temptations is the newest book I am working on at this moment. It’s presently on pre-order on Amazon and it’s due to be released on the 26th of March, 2021.

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Why did the Holy Spirit inspired me with this book project on how to overcome sin and temptations?

I have written down the details of this book project since the year 2011. I believe God’s Spirit used the details to teach me revelations about how to overcome sin and temptations.

The book project is now almost ready now and you can even order it before it’s released as a pre-order on Amazon today at this pre-order price.


You can’t win the fight against sin without God

It’s very dangerous to live under the illusion that you can win this fight on a daily basis without God or attachment to the sacrifice Jesus did. Jesus says without Him we can do nothing (John 15:5b).

He says we can only bear good fruits if we dwell in Him (John 15:5). It’s interesting that as simple as this fact is, a lot of people, including Christians, still try to live their victories over sin and sinful habits without God.

The Spirit of God comes up strong for you when He knows you’re always relying on His grace to live your life. In Him, we live, we move and have our being (Acts 17:21).


Evil moments of temptations will always come

That evil moment of temptation will always come. If you have learned and resolved to rely on His grace, God will come up strong for you at this evil moment.

Jesus overcame these evil moments. We know of the temptation event and the one in the Garden of gethsemane and many other moments.


Learn how to overcome sin and temptations

Please you can learn how to win your daily victory over sin and sinful habits today by preordering a copy of my book, How to overcome sin and temptation.

Read more about this new ebook guide here

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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