How to achieve greatness in life and business
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Running faith based businesses

Ideas are seeds

Ideas are seeds. You should know that if you ever want to start prospering from Ideas. I gained so much speed with my life, ministry and the organization I run when I began to see ideas as aeeds that must be sown.

Related: How to start an idea

Why Ideas are seeds

Your business ideas are seeds. Your business idea when you receive it is just like the tiny, powerful resources called seeds.

It is a seed and if it is planted, it is able to grow and expand considerably beyond your wildest imagination and will be useful to bring up other business ideas and resources.


Seed ideas

Seed ideas can jump at you at any time of the day. God loves to send seed ideas to His devoted children. It’s one way He rewards us.

I always look forward to this type of inspiration from the Spirit of God. I always have my writing pad and pen with me every time. Sometimes, I use the notepad app on my phone to write down these seed ideas when I receive them from God.


What are you supposed to do with seed ideas

The following are what you are to do with seed ideas when you receive them:

  • Write them down
  • Believe in them
  • Flesh them out on paper (write out all you know about them)
  • Carry out more researches to find out more information
  • Pray and ask for help from God to give you implementation Ideas
  • Map out a plan of execution
  • Follow your plans from the least possible steps in your plan


You need to understand this!

If you truly get a hang on the fact that every business idea you receive at any time, no matter how big it is at the early stage, is a seed, then you have been able to win the first battle over the wrong and limiting mentality that make people abandon business ideas because of no money or capital.

You should know that the gigantic picture of the idea at the early stage does not necessarily mean you have to start from the level you saw in your mind when you conceived the idea.

It is a seed at this stage and it must start just exactly as seeds start their journey to germination and fruitfulness.


Jesus pointed this out

Jesus was clearly pointing this fact out when He told His listeners that,

“Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone, but if it dies, it produces much grain.” (John 12:24).

He was telling them that though He had come to carry out the big task of liberating men from sin and the devil and to qualify them as children to His Father but He would not be able to achieve that except He is sown as a seed into the ground!

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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