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Christian romance fiction
Christian Fictions

Nigerian Christian romance fiction: The Prostitute novel

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This best-selling Nigerian Christian romance fiction had another interesting testimonial last week from another user of the sample of the Christian fiction.

Read a sample copy and watch a video of the first Chapter


Update: Best-selling Christian romance novel becomes a movie

You can now watch this novel as a Christian movie! That is the big update. Please click the video below to watch, like, comment and share the film with your friends on social and everywhere.


Nigerian Christian romance fiction with lots of testimonials

This Nigerian Christian romance fiction has drawn lots of testimonials and reviews from users of both the sample and the whole novel since it was released.

Presently, it has an average of 4.0-star ratings on Amazon from 34 readers. This shows how readers value this work of fiction.


Read this email testimonial about The Prostitute novel

Check out another email testimonial from a reader of the sample copy of our Christian romance novel, The Prostitute novel:

“From the beginning, it is easy to spot out that Steve was an epitome of purity, seeing that he discouraged his friend Bobby from having affairs with harlots and the way his conscience judged him when he went to Allen Avenue. But love drew him…..

To call a night girl his friend was not a thing of shame to Steve, and this action can be seemingly likened to the love God has for us. God is so pure, came looking for us, not minding whatever mess it is that we are in, he plans to change our name and make a fulfilling life out of us.
There are a lot of lessons to learn from this book as God’s love is made practical.
I’m looking forward to reading the book.” Favour Abara

Related: Gain access to The Prostitute novel on Amazon 

Get your copy of this Nigerian Christian romance fiction

I believe you love that email testimonial from the user of the sample copy of the Prostitute novel. Now, that is just one of the many we have received since that Christian romance novel was published.

Usually, we always give people the opportunity to read a sample copy of the novel. If they send an email to us telling us about they feel about the sample copy, we will then send the full copy of the novel to them.

We have done that for the past two years since the Christian fiction was released.

Do you want to get a taste of the sample to know more about what The Prostitute novel is all about?

Please read a sample and watch the video of Chapter 1 of the novel today.

I will be glad if you share this post with your friends. They will be very happy to read The Prostitute novel.

Update: Best-selling Christian romance novel becomes a movie

You can now watch this novel as a Christian movie! That is the big update. Please click the video below to watch, like, comment and share the film with your friends on social and everywhere.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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