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Quiet time with God
Christian faith principles

Quiet time with God: How to observe it

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Observing quiet time with God is a necessity if you are truly interested and determined to grow spiritually, get the best of God and Christianity. Most Christian greats in the Bible and in post-bible days practiced the observance of quiet time with God throughout their lifetime.


What does it mean to observe quiet time with God?

Observing quiet time with God is about creating time to have personal fellowship with God and His Word through prayers, Word study, meditations, and listening to Him for instructions. It’s a period you stay in the presence of God to worship Him with prayers, songs, and active listening.

Related: 12 steps to get answers to your prayers over a tough problem


What are the benefits of having quiet time with God?

The following are the many benefits of having quiet time with God:

  • You show to God that you value Him by creating time to worship Him and learn from Him
  • Your personal and useful instruction at this period from God
  • You receive strenght from God because the Bible says in Psalm 20 that we will be strengthen out of Zion
  • You pick up divine solutions to knotty issues at this stage
  • Your ideas to solve practical problems in life, marriage. Workplace and in business
  • You increase your knowledge about God and His kingdom


What should be the appropriate time span for this practice

Jesus told His disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane when they were sleeping while He prayed: “Can’t you watch with me for an hour.” So you should plan to spend at least one hour for your quiet time. You can increase or improve on this as time goes by and when you begin to enjoy the practice.

The truth is that you will always love to do this because of the plenty of joy that you will be deriving from it. The Bible says that in the presence of God, there is fullness of joy. Time spent in the presence of God personally is the most useful and enjoyable period on this earth.


Practical ways to spend time in the presence of God

The following are the practical, step-by-step ways to spend time in the presence of God. I want you to note that the following steps or guide are useful to both new Christians and matured Christians:

  1. Use five minutes to kickstart the process by thanking God for everything you can remember.
  2. Sing and worship Him for another 15 minutes.
  3. Ask for mercy in the place of prayer. Ask for forgiveness of any sin you can remember. Plead the blood of Jesus at this stage.
  4. Pray any prayer points you have written down before you came into the presence of God. I advise you should always have this before you come into God’s presence even if it’s just a plan to come and worship and thank Him alone. Note: Do numbers 3 and 4 for 10 minutes.
  5. Study God’s Word for another 25 minutes. You can also read and study from any Devotional. Though I advise you should learn to open the Bible and study for yourself. You can only use a Devotional as an added study material. You can break down your word study to a. Old Testament b. Psalms c. New Testament (up to Jude). d. Revelation. Read from each section progressively.
  6. Use the last 5 minutes to thank God for answered prayers and to pray over any inspiration you receive while studying the Word of God. You can also begin to declare what you want for your life, family, children at this stage. The Bible says we shall decree a thing and it shall be established. You declare by saying: “Peace, come into my home. My new Visa, come on board now in Jesus name. My children receive grace to love God. My wife, receive grace to love God and be submissive to me. I receive grace to do the will of God.

Observing quiet time with God is the most useful practice you can get involved with as a Christian. Your church activities can never be a substitute for the practice of staying in the presence of God.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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