How to achieve greatness in life and business
Running faith based businesses

How to possess the right mentality to executive business ideas

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School of BUSINESS

Christians should understand that having the right mentality can go a long way to determine how they maximize the many profits and promises of Christianity. Your prayer life, relationships, business, work, marriage can be greatly hindered if you carry about the wrong mentality.

In this post, I am showing you how having the right mentality can go a long way to help you when you plan to work on a business idea. I want you to enjoy this article and I would be glad if you can write a comment when you are done with this article.

My experience about having the right mentality

I want you to read my experience on how God reshaped my thinking when I wanted to start an organisation He planted into my heart. After God inspired me to set up a Bible success teaching organisation, I settled down to put the plans on paper for the organisation.

When it was time to start the execution of the project, I encountered a brick wall; there were no resources to start! (or so I thought). I tried to start the organisation in a big way. I wanted to start from the top; every time I tried to fly in this big way I crashed.
The Bible passage that reshaped my mentality

I went down on my knees severally to pray to God to supply the big resources but the situation remained the same! The Spirit of God later helped me out from Proverbs 24:3: "Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established".

The right mentality to start from the bottom

He helped me to understand that what I needed was the wisdom to start from the bottom and with the smallest resources I had. Just the way house builders start building houses from the foundation.

This was a big relieve for me! It really went a long way to assure me of God’s presence in what I was about to start and also helped me to sit down to critically look at what I had around me that could be relevant to the project God commanded me to start.

Requiredresources are within your reach

I was surprised to find out lots of these resources around waiting to be put into use! All you need to start and grow in that God-given business project are within your reach, you only need to believe this and let God’s Spirit help you find them out.

Further Reading: Proverbs 4:5, Proverbs 3:13, Proverbs 9:10 Write Your Resolution Here:

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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