How to achieve greatness in life and business
How to receive power to do from your money problems
Visionary Business Project

How to receive power to do from your money problems

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School of BUSINESS

The truth is that you can actually receive the power to do or the power to act on your ideas in the new year as a result of your negative financial situation.

I believe that must have come as a suprise to you. Your negative financial situation is not that bad after all, it can push you to do the impossible as we move into the new year if you can handle the situation very well.

I want you to read practical ways this type of situation has put power to do in people including yours truly and how we have gone ahead to act powerfully on projects.

 How Peter got the power to do

When Peter approached Jesus for the money required paying Jesus’ tax and his own tax; Jesus gave him a strange directive in Matthew 17:24-27. He obeyed and acted on this instruction not only because it was coming from Jesus Christ but because he desperately needed to pay these taxes to the authority.

This same Peter and Andrew earlier on had toiled all night to catch fishes but caught nothing (Luke 5:1-10). Jesus however came into the scene and gave, as usual, a very strange instruction.

Again, I believe one of the reasons why Peter had to obey, apart from the fact that it was coming from Jesus, was because he knew he desperately needed the fish in the market to make money.

The need to be financially successful gave the power

The need to be financially successful gave Peter that special power to do. The taxes must be paid to the authority and also the fishes must get to the market to be sold.

So he had no option but to draw upon this special power to do to carry out the Master’s instructions. A lot of us have acted whenever we are pushed to the wall.

Nobody enjoys financial lack. We all desire good things of life and we may not enjoy all these if we are financially down. I have seen so many people who have done some great things after losing their jobs.

My experience and the power I received

For me to actually start doing, God made me to leave a paid employment. When we are down financially, we astound ourselves with what we can actually do.

While I am not actually asking you to leave your job, I want you to take a salary advance of about three months in your work place and give all to charity. This special power to do will become very active in you and you will be ready to do things you won’t have thought of doing in order to survive for the next three months.

How Dr. Ojeagbase got the power

It even becomes more interesting when you have a family to cater for. According to Sunny Ojeagbase, the Nigerian millionaire publisher who was able to scale lots of hurdles to build his wealth from ground floor up: “I was thoroughly displeased with the state of my finances at the time (between 1972 and 1974). I had arrived at a point where life was becoming unbearable. My life was messed up and I was desperately looking for a way out; anyway, provided it led me in other directions, different from the one I was heading towards”.

Financial difficulties increased the power to do in him and he acted to change the Chapter of his life. Today, he has a good story to tell.

People will act if they have a burning desire or a lot of pain where their current situation is so uncomfortable they simply must change. This is an easily recognizable power-given secret.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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