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What makes a marriage special: the DNA of your marriage

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What makes a marriage special? If you are married or if you are planning to get married, you will surely love to know what makes a marriage special.

Agreed, there are so many factors that make a marriage special. We have described some of them in the family/marriage category of this website and blog.

Today, I will be focusing my attention on another factor that can make a marriage special.

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What is a special marriage?

A special marriage is one where:

  • The peace of God reigns
  • The couple are growing in love every day of their marital lives
  • The husband is loving despite the many errors of the wife
  • The wife is submissive despite the many errors of the husband
  • The couple leans heavily on the Word of God every day of their lives
  • The children are raised with high moral, spiritual, and social standards


What makes a marriage special? The DNA of.your marriage

I am revealing here one of the biggest mistakes couples can make in their marital journey. the Spirit of God helped me and my wife to understand this secret many years ago.

What did we learn? we learned never to compare our marriage with other marriages. Even if the marriage is that of your highly beloved mentor with all his anointing, you are not to run your marriage using his marriage as the complete guide.

Now let me quickly inform you that what I’m talking about here does not rule out the fact that your mentor is qualified to influence you or even mentor you in marriage. no, that’s not what I’m driving at.

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What we found out about marriage uniqueness

We understood that the DNA of each marriage is different. Every Christian husband or couple must find out, through the help of the Holy Spirit. the DNA or uniqueness of their marriages.

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What makes a marriage special: What is DNA?

DNA, which stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid is defined as a nuclear acid. that contains the genetic code.

No marriage is the same. This is the simple truth if you have to look at all the factors and situations that bring each marriage into place.

Even just as I said earlier if that marriage is that of your lovely parents or pastors. you should not use, completely, their marriage experiences to determine the route your marriage must take.

The following are the differences you must note:

  • Check out the likely differences
  • The cultural background of your wife is different from that of your pastor’s wife
  • The spiritual background is different
  • The educational background is different
  • The social and other situations and conditions are completely different

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Holy Spirit of God can help you

You have to let the Holy Spirit of God help you do a study of who your wife is. Wives must also do this too.

There is no need to compare your husband to the husband of another woman in another marriage. If you follow this advice, you will be able to take your time to discover the DNA of your marriage and you will be able to apply wisdom and understanding in your marriage.


Peace and tranquility in marriage

This is one of the scriptural routes to a life of peace and tranquillity in a marriage. the truth is that, from what we’ve discovered so far, it is after you’ve discovered your marriage DNA or uniqueness, that’s when you will be able to enjoy the spiritual mentorship of your spiritual mentors.

Husband can now apply wisdom. As a Christian husband, if you’ve been able to understand who your wife is, you will be able to apply wisdom to deal with her daily as commanded by God in 1 Peter 3:7.

You can have people and marriages you look up to as mentors and as role examples, but you should still understand that you and your wife still have to deal with issues according to the uniqueness of your marriage.


Final prayer for your marriage

I pray that the Spirit of God will open your eyes to see everything you need to know about your wife and my marriage in Jesus name. Amen.

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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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