How to achieve greatness in life and business
Faith of a Christian Leader
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6 Dangers of Entrepreneurship to the Faith of a Christian Leader

The faith of a Christian leader is necessary to be in place in order to continue to draw in the power of God to solve problems. This is a guest post by and it contains some useful tips for Christian business owners. Please enjoy it and let me read your comment. Let me allow Randell Dan De Vera to take over…


The faith of a Christian Leader

We often hear the saying, “money is the root of all evil.” “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for someone rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

Most of the time, people have a bad connotation of business because of its negative representation in dramas or movies. Also, onlookers think that the Christian life is a road that requires one to take the vow of poverty.

However, I believe that there is nothing wrong with being an entrepreneur. As a fact, God Himself is a businessman, for He is now in the business of saving our souls.

Now, the Bible says we should be the “head, not the tails” (Deuteronomy 28:13, NIV). We could also read from the Scriptures stories of good men who were faithful yet were abundant spiritually and materially. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Job were some of these.

But of course, every good thing has its cons. Significantly, this article enumerates six dangers of entrepreneurship to the faith of a Christian leader.

Related: Grace and faith: What is the relationship


  • Dangers of entrepreneurship to the faith of a Christian leader 1: The Love of Money

Money vs. the Love of Money

Money has the power to do good in the hands of a faithful servant. As a fact, the Bible doesn’t warn us about the dangers of “money,” but we are to be wary of the “love of money.”

The Bible says,

“where your treasure is, there your heart will also be” (Matthew 6:21, ESV). Also, Proverbs 28:25 (ESV) says, “A greedy man stirs up strife, but the one who trusts in the LORD will be enriched.”


The Joy of Christian Life vs. The Trap of Satan

Indeed, the Christian life has a lot to offer other than money. Perhaps, that’s why true Christians are generally content with whatever they have. When Christian leaders become too consumed by money-getting, problems arise. Specifically, they try to push on paths beyond God’s approval.

Eventually, some try to manipulate the church funds and put matters in their own hands. In doing so, they combine the holy and the mundane. Herein lies the trap of Satan.

  • Dangers of entrepreneurship to the faith of a Christian leader 2: The Love of Power


Judas, a Perfect Example! 

Judas is a perfect example of a Christian leader who had excessive love of power. While he was given a position among the twelve, he did not bring himself under the divine molding. Unfortunately, Judas saw himself as superior to others. Specifically, he felt that he was the most capable one. He thought that without his ability, the church would be in perplexity and embarrassment. 

Engrossed with his love of power, Judas decided in his heart to help Christ establish his earthly kingdom. This act would secure him the first position, next to Christ. True enough, Judas is an example of someone whose love of power may bring danger. Specifically, his act of betrayal, his sin of covetousness, led him to sell Christ.

An entrepreneur must think that he is not above anyone. For God, to be great is to be a servant (Matthew 23:11, NIV).

Related: What does it mean to have faith in God


  • Dangers of entrepreneurship to the faith of a Christian leader 3: The Love of Self

What Made Satan Fall?

Vanity, or the love of self, is what made kings fall in Biblical times. Significantly, it made Satan lose his exalted position and one-third of the angels that He led. One danger that a Christian leader may dwell is the love of one’s self. Remember the first commandment of God? “Thou shalt not make any graven image or any likeness, or anything that is in Heaven above.”


Losing sight of Christ — Why Should We Be Wary of That?

If we lose sight of Christ as we embark on our everyday mundane transactions, we may fall on the sin of pride and self-exaltation. When we think of ourselves worthy, regard ourselves highly, and do not submit to a higher being, we may fall into Satan’s pit. Thus, we must guard ourselves. 


Dangers of entrepreneurship to the faith of a Christian leader 4: The Love of Material Things


Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,” and God will add these things to you (Matthew 6:33, NIV).

However, this verse does not justify that we should hoard products and be slaves of consumerism. If you would read the preceding verses, Matthew 6:33 is an appeal that there is no material thing in this world that should cause us to worry. The Lord, Who created us, knows our utmost wants and needs.


Symptoms of a Materialistic Christian Leader

Now, the following are some symptoms that a Christian leader loves material things:

  • Lack of empathy and engagement with others
  • Unhappiness
  • Competitiveness
  • Show-off attitude
  • Insecurity and self-doubt

  • Dangers of entrepreneurship to the faith of a Christian leader 5: The Love of Accomplishments


In The World of Rush, Hush.

Indeed, entrepreneurship is a world of a rush. It is a constant hustle and bustle. Though accomplishments are a sign of hard work paid-off, the continuous pursuit for achievements could also be alarming.

List of Accomplished People Yet Failed in the End

Renowned people who accomplished much in the world’s viewpoint ended their life amidst their success. Examples are:

  • George Eastman, the inventor of Kodak
  • Tony Hancock, actor and comedian
  • Vachel Lindsay, an American poet
  • Virginia Woolf, an author of the 21st century
  • Adolf Hitler, German politician, and leader
  • Hunter S. Thompson, inventor of Gonzo journalism
  • George Sander, author, singer-songwriter, music composer, and television actor
  • Alexander Mcqueen, award-winning British designer
  • Marilyn Monroe, Hollywood actress

Dangers of entrepreneurship to the faith of a Christian leader 6: The Love of Work


The Idol That Does Not Sing On Stage

Indeed, to have work is a blessing. It aims to ennoble men and refine the character. However, anything we love more than God is an idol. Specifically, our jobs could be our idols if we prioritize them before God’s ministry. If our energies, time, and resources are consumed by our worldly duties over the heavenly ones, it would be detrimental.

Hence, loving the Lord with all our hearts, soul, and mind is a command that we should not take for granted. Our work must sustain God’s cause instead of it causing us to lose sight of it.

The Antidote For All These Loves–

Indeed, there is no other antidote for these seven loves than the love of Christ!  If we follow Christ’s example in all our endeavors, we will become better leaders, entrepreneurs, and contributors to the world at large.

As such, let us seek God and His Words daily. Also, let us be reminded of His sacrifices, His examples, and His faith that we may not lead and be led astray.

Author Bio

Chasing Hope is an inspiring podcast about Christian life where it talks about faith, hope, and some Christian history. Besides spiritual life topics, the podcast also talks about career, family, and plenty of areas that concern the listener.


Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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