How to achieve greatness in life and business
christian ebooks
Bible Short Reports series

Christian Ebooks Solving Problems of the People and the Society: Download and Read Them Free

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In the year 2008, I was inspired by God’s Spirit to set out and begin to write Christian ebooks solving problems of the people and the society. I obeyed and many Christian ebook titles have been produced since then. And the good part is that they have all been given out free!

christian ebooks

My Christian organization have used the platform of Christian ebooks publishing to really advance the cause of the gospel and also the message God has instructed me to teach and preach. The simple difference between these Christian ebooks and some others of their likes is that my Christian ebooks guides have been used to solve practical problems of the people and the society using the truth from God’s Word.

They have been what I call, ‘How to’ Christian ebooks. They solve identified problems. Many testimonials and good reviews have trailed these Christan ebooks guides all over  the estroes selling Chr9san ebooks. You need to visit Christian testimonials to read some of them.

I should also inform you that the ebooks have been published in our Organization under the heading, Bible Short Reports series (BSR).

The following are the titles already published under the Bible Short Reports series. I have also written a brief description of what led to each title. The download link of each title is also included below each title.

There are over 25 titles already in this series. I have only shown here a few of these ebooks. I will share with you a link where you can all the ebook titles and how you can subscribe free to receive our free Christian Business newsletter in your email inbox.

Jesus and Your Success

This BSR is in its fourth edition already. Soon, we will be publishing and distributing the paperback edition of it free of charge. We have a plan to give out millions of copies of this book in the nearest future. This book was inspired in my heart from the statement of Jesus in John 15:5b, “without Me, you can do nothing”.

He is the only man who will walk on the surface of this earth and who will be qualified to make such statement. No man has tried to say this. Those who had attempted to say or act this out have ended up been destroyed and forgotten. Jesus was killed but He rose on the third day, ascended to heaven and is presently seated on the right hand of God interceding for the saints. He also said He will surely come back to judge the world.

I believe it is wise for anyone to tie his or her success aspirations to what this great Man called Jesus has said or has done. Jesus’ principles can make you succeed on this earth in every way. This is what this BSR is a about.

Download Link:  Jesus and your success

How to Overcome Worry and Anxiety

I have used Gods Word to take out these enemy’s tools away from me on many occasions. Worry and anxiety can disturb the flow of God’s power into and through your life. This is a short BSR but it contains powerful information that can your put worry and anxiety away from you.

Download Link: visit How to overcome worry

7 Reasons Why God Wants To Solve Your Problems

Do you allow your problems to overwhelm you? Have you searched frantically for a guide on how to overcome failure and achieve success? Are you a Christian and you have wondered if God is ready and willing to help you overcome all the problems in your life which you have battled with for years now? Learn how God wants to help you to solve your problems in this short book

Download Link: God wants to solve your problems

 How to Multiply Your Resources

This BSR taught a principle of multiplication as demonstrated by Jesus Christ when He fed over 5000 people in a deserted place with just 5 loaves of bread and two pieces of fish. This BSR is useful to you if you have a big project to start and you are bothered about how you can find the resources to kick start the project and take it up the ladder of success.

Download Link: Multiply resources book

How to Persistently Thank and Praise God

How to Continue to Show Gratitude to God Despite Those Negative Circumstances
Yes I know very well that It’s tough for you especially if you are a Christian in our world of today. Now don’t stop praising God. God can make that negative situation to become profits for you. This book shows you the benefits of showing gratitude to God despite those negative situations. Download this short book today                                                   

Download Link: Thank God Always book

How to Receive Godly Breakthroughs

Yes there are breakthrough moments. There are moments of divine visitations where that stubborn problem will receive the attention of God and become a thing of the past. Christians who face stubborn issues that look as if they are not going to go away must understand this.

They must be spiritually sensitive to these breakthrough moments especially when they are praying over a stubborn issue. The devil and his cohorts will do everything to bring around distractions to prevent Christians from accessing or receiving these breakthroughs. You should read this BSR to find out more.

Download Link: breakthrough moments

How to Exit The Cage of Fear

Fear is a formidable tool in the hands of the enemy the (devil) to stop people from achieving Godly greatness on this earth. I teach success principles from the Bible, it is logical that the Spirit of God would inspire me to write this BSR. If you have allowed yourself to live all this while in the ‘cage’ of fear, you should read this BSR. You will be exiting this cage by God’s grace after you have read the last statement in this book.

Download Link: stop fear ebook

Letter to Newly Born Again Christians

God’s Spirit helped me to compare the freedom and wilderness experiences of the children of Israel from Egypt with the freedom and early stage experiences of newly born again Christians. A sixteen year-old girl read this BSR and gave a call to me testifying of how this book helped her.

If you are newly born again or you know someone who is, you should read or encourage that person to read this BSR. It’s filled with great information that will help you stabilize in your new-found faith and forge ahead confidently in the Lord.

Download Link: born again ebook

How to Fly With Your Faith

I shared lots of my personal faith walk experience in this BSR. Sometimes, I get bothered when I read books or listen to sermons on the pulpit where authors and preachers teach faith without having any personal experience to share. This should not be so.

Your personal faith walk story will impart lots of people more than the definitions you give about faith. If you have been a Christian for many years, you should have genuine, verifiable faith stories to share. You will enjoy this BSR. God’s Spirit revealed vital truths that will readily help you to start

Download Link: Christian faith ebook

Note: Read details about how you can start and run faith based businesses

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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