How to achieve greatness in life and business
How to develop the passion power to get tasks completed
Running faith based businesses

How to develop the passion power to get tasks completed

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When the passion power is available in you, you will always find enough reason to start and finish tasks and projects.

A dramatic story on passion power

One of the most dramatic stories of passion for one’s vocation that I have read is that of Robert Chesebrough, the inventor of the international best-selling product called Vaseline. After creating this product, he took the decision to demonstrate to the whole world the healing part of his product by burning himself with acid and flames!

He cut himself so deeply and used his product on himself. With this strange demonstration, he was able to show the world what his product was capable of doing!

The passion power turned Vaseline into a best seller

I am not surprised Vaseline is still a best-selling product today. This story is simply a case of an inventor who had great passion for his vocation. He wouldn’t have gone to such an extent if he does not love what he does.

God’s Passion Power

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

God almighty wanted a way His creations can begin to relate with Him intimately again after the fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden, He took a huge decision to give us something that was most precious to Him – His only-begotten Son as a sacrifice for our sins.

God took a remarkable and strong action to give. Perhaps He would not have been able to give this precious Gift called Jesus if He had no passionate love for us. He deeply loves us so He was able to do what He did.

Love and the power of passion

The love factor gave Him the special power to do and He was able to do to get the result He needed.

Let me also briefly mention this incredible act of Jesus Christ in the book of John 6:1-14. Jesus had compassion on the people that were following Him and He took a decision to feed the multitude! The negative comment of Philip in John 6:7 would not even stop Him.


It could only take a man who has great love for His followers to take such actions against all odds. He had great compassion for His followers and this ultimately gave Him the power to do to feed them.

Are you presently doing what you don’t love or are you planning to lay your hands on what you know you don’t love to do? You should reconsider your decision and situation. The power to do which is required to bring result or which will allow you to continually lay your hands on those success tasks can only find expression in you if you love what you are doing or intend to do.

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My passion power produced my writings

I love writing and motivating people, so I do these things effortlessly. Even at very odd times, I can write lots of life-changing articles and also counsel lots of people. This is the reason why you should find out your life assignment and make effort to start executing projects around your discovery.

When you feel good about or love what you do, the power to keep on doing it will follow.

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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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