How to achieve greatness in life and business
life treasure school samuel
Christians in Business (Interview Sessions)

Christians in Business Interview: Proprietor Life Treasure School

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School of BUSINESS

Christian Business: Can we meet you sir. Your name.

Emmanuel Samuel: I’m Mr. Samuel, E.A.

Christian Business: What is the name of your organization and what is your role/designation?

Emmanuel Samuel:  Life Treasure School. I am the Proprietor of the school.

Christian Business: What is the mission/vision of your organization?

Emmanuel Samuel: Catching the young ones early for CHRIST and making a lasting impact on them academically.

Christian Business: When did you become a Christian?

Emmanuel Samuel: By HIS Grace on d 5th October, 1992.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Proprietor of Life Treasure School explains how his organization is determined to catch the young ones early for CHRIST and make a lasting impact on them academically. Read more” quote=”Proprietor of Life Treasure School explains how his organization is determined to catch the young ones early for CHRIST and make a lasting impact on them academically. Read more”]

Christian Business: What has been the most remarkable Christian experience you’ve had till date?

Emmanuel Samuel:  HOLY GHOST Baptism.

Christian Business: What is your most loved bible text/story/passage in the Bible?

Emmanuel Samuel:  Salvation Story.

Note: Please subscribe at Faith based business for free resources that can help you run successful businesses and still maintain your relation with God.

Christian Business: How has your Christian faith helped you to run your business effectively? (Please write extensively about this to bless other lives)

Emmanuel Samuel:  As a GOD fearing Employer, I’ve been able to relate well with my staff in a Godly manner.

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Christian Business: What single advice do you have for Ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ?

Emmanuel Samuel:  They should always remember d DAY of accountability before GOD.

Christian Business: What single advice do you have for Christians running businesses?

Emmanuel Samuel: Guide your heart with all diligence and direct your affairs with godly wisdom and the fear of GOD. You should also, be FAITHFUL in what belongs to others.

Christian Business: What single advice do you have for Christians in work places?

Emmanuel Samuel: Don’t get involved in corrupt practices. It will reflect on your reputation and dent the image of other Christians.

Christian Business: What problem do you think needs the Christian faith for solution in your industry?

Emmanuel Samuel: In the area of resources. That is, both spiritual and physical.

Christian Business: Who is your Christian mentor and how has he or she helped you and your business?

Emmanuel Samuel: I have more than one like Mr. Oguntade and Others.

Christian Business: How has your family/friends/close relatives helped you in your business?

Emmanuel Samuel: It’s okay. They are only humans with limitations. GOD will help them in Jesus name.

Christian Business: What is your view about this end time and the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ?

Emmanuel Samuel:  Watchfulness and prayerfulness is key.

I hope you enjoyed the Emmanuel Samuel Interview. Please watch out for this space for more. If you know you have used the Christian faith to run your business, and you want to be interviewed, please contact us immediately.

Ensure you share this interview with your friends on the social media. Thank you.

Information About Life Treasure School

Contact Phone Number: 080342371615

WhatsApp: 080342371615

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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