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Christian romance fiction
Christian Fictions

Exciting Christian fictions and stories

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These Christian fictions are the Christian stories I have written and published. They are available on almost all the online stores. I have included only the links to the Amazon store for now. More links will be added in the future.

The Prostitute

Steve Davies, a strict, disciplined and morally upright company executive suddenly fell in love with a notorious, long-term prostitute, Serena. Despite strict warnings from his friends and relatives, Steve took this strange love to another level – he proposed marriage to Serena and went ahead to marry her.

This unusual engagement sparked off lots of matrimonial troubles, yet Steve was glad to put his love, his name, his home and his reputation on the line for Serena. Did the forces that bind such engagements come to the aid of Steve as he became a husband to a wife-prostitute?

Did Serena act like a pig who always returns to the mud? Was Steve able to sustain his intimate love for his unusual wife? A story of extreme love, fury, and jealousy.

This is a painful personal love story. A story of what deep and true love can do when gross infidelity and contrary societal opinions hold sway in a relationship. Find out more on Amazon


Thorns Inside the Rose: A Christian romance story of evil inside love

Thorns Inside the rose

This is a sequel to my Christian romance novel, The Prostitute novel and it offers the same exciting and real-life story of a couple who got married from two different sides of the world.

This is a story of how strange women and agents of the devil are finding their ways into the bedroom of unsuspecting Christian brothers.

It’s a true-life story of a Christian man and husband (Bobby Tamor, the careless womanizer-friend of Steve Davies in The Prostitute novel) who endured and fought off violent and horrible spiritual battles with a wife who was a principal agent from the pit of hell. This story, told in a fictional form, is actually a true-life story and it reveals how principal agents of the devil are finding their ways into the bedrooms, homes, and marriages of unsuspecting Christian men.

Bobby Tamor voted for and embraced the careless love for a strange woman who ended up becoming a snare to his life and home. What happened to this strange union? Find out more at Amazon

Wealth Codes: An epic Christian novel on strong financial teachings and wealth creation

christian fictions

Bola Ajagun worked as a Mathematics teacher with the Federal Government of Nigeria for many years. He had been taught most Bible financial success principles right from his teenage Christian years and believed he had all it takes to be financially successful in his lifetime.However, when happenings around his financial life were contrary to his religious knowledge and beliefs, he knew he needed help urgently.The pangs and discomfort of poverty and lack of financial fulfillment dampened Bola’s morale about his Christian beliefs. He was fighting the outcomes of many unfulfilled religious promises and doctrines.Did Bola receive the needed help? Find out more at Amazon

Conjugal Conflicts: Short and real-life stories of errors that break marriages

Exciting Christian fictions and stories

Learn from the practical and real-life stories of people who allowed their marriages to be destroyed because of their own making.

This is a Christian fiction book for couples in new marriages that are experiencing some turbulent periods. Young men and women who are planning to get married will also learn from this short Christian novel how to start their marriage journey on a good footing and how to steady the ship of marriage in their first 3 years of marriage.

It contains practical stories of men and women who have allowed costly errors they made during courtship and at the early stages of their marriages to crumble their marriages. It also contains the stories of couples who were able to survive the storm and still have their marriages intact. Find out more at Amazon

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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