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What’s God’s ultimate plan for the world in this end times

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Just what’s God’s ultimate plan for the world in this end times? I believe this should be one of the golden questions in your mind especially in the wake of the many troubles that Covid-19 has brought upon our world. Surely, as a Christian, I believe God was not caught unaware by the emergence of the coronavirus outbreak.

He can’t be outwitted by man or the devil. I strongly believe that He will always allow situations like this in order to further His plans for the earth.

I have been writing about the inspirations I have received over the years about His end times plans for the world in the past few days. I have received some of these inspirations many years ago even long before covid-19 came on board.

Read some of the previous posts on this topic below:

Relevant: Church in the End times

Relevant: How does the church influence the world today

Relevant: Why having Church in the home is compulsory today


Slight shift from Old Testament to the New Testament describing God’s ultimate plan for the world

In the last post on this topic of end times plan of God, I described and quoted revelations from the Old Testament on what God has in stock for us and the earth in these last days before Jesus comes back. I will be quoting scriptures from the New Testament in today’s post.

There was a slight shift in the way things were done in the Old Testaments. After Jesus rose from the dead and the Apostles began their activities, they concentrated most of their attention in the temple.

Their writings also majorly centered on teaching the principles and stories around Jesus’ work of redemption. At this period, the church was formed and people were being added to the church through the activities of the Apostles and others as recorded in the book of Acts.


God’s ultimate plan for the world after the book of Acts

After the book of Acts, the new church needs to have the understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice and its relevance to them. This is the reason why most of the letters, if not all were addressed to the church teaching principles around Jesus’ sacrifice.

Even at this period, we can still find practical problems of the people been solved or discussed; an example is the letter Paul wrote to Titus.


What’s God’s purpose for the earth: A final shift is here

However, as the second coming of our Lord Jesus draws near every day and in this end time, the Spirit of God is revealing God’s end – time agenda not just for the church and Christians but for the world. A final shift is here and the church must put her acts together to take Jesus into every nooks and crannies of the society. I hope you will be ready to fulfill your own part in this grand plan.


What’s God’s ultimate plan for the world in these last days

The following checklist will show you God’s plan for the world as I have received the inspiration from the Holy Spirit of God:

  • The church is returning to all it can do to the world and then influence the world for Christ.
  • The church will not just be preaching to the world to accept Jesus Christ but will be using divine ideas to solve the world’s problems and the world will run to her to accept the Christ she serves.
  • People will embrace the God of Joseph, Abraham, Daniel, David not just because they‘ll be preached to but because their practical problems will be solved. The whole Isaiah chapter 60 shows this truth.
  • Christians will not be Christians in the temple alone but in their offices and in the market places
  • Christians in business will bring people to Christ through their Godly business conduct in their industries and in the market places
  • God will use kingdom wealth to differentiate His children from non Christians
  • More Christian marriages will be standing against the pit of hell and terrorizing the kingdom of the devil  with their unity prayers
  • The fear of God will rule over the land as people of other religions will come to see the almighty God of Israel as the all in all


You are the light of the world

Mathew 5: 14-16 also point our attention to the revelations described above:

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

The Prophet Joel also lends his voice in Joel 2:1, “Blow the trumpet in Zion, And sound an alarm in my holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; For the day of the Lord is coming, For it is at hand”.

You should be prepared to be relevant in the scheme of things today as God winds down His glorious plan for the world and the earth especially as we await the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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