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Gospel minister of repute (a profile of Joel Obi)
Christians in Business (Interview Sessions)

Gospel minister of repute (a profile of Joel Obi)

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This is the profile of a Gospel minister of repute. He is young and vibrant and Spirit-filled. We are glad to present this wonderful and energetic Nigerian Christian song artist.

Please check out his profile below:



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Gospel minister of repute: Joel Phillips Obi

Gospel minister, Joel Phillips Obi, a Gospel Evangelist; a Minister of God in Songs, in Writing and The Word.

Joel Phillips is a dynamic Gospel Minister, a Writer, a Speaker, a Music Evangelist and author.

Joel heads an Evangelial Movement called PREM, Peace and Reconciliation Evangelical Movements based in Lagos Nigeria.

Related: Let a Christian publisher help you publish your books online 

Gospel minister Joel Phillips Obi: How he started

Joel P. Obi began his Music and Evangeical Mission Journey from a tender age when the fire started but kicked off in 2013 with the vision of raising young people and preparing them as Armies of God for the harvest ahead (Like 10:2) – Armies from all ends of the Earth who will rebuild ruined places and defend the name of our Lord in this age

Joel Leads a Gospel Musical Band called, Kingdom Reign Music also known as _Western World Worship_ which he started in 2013 and fully fueled it in 2020 when they had their first Music Outreach and Concert.

Joel is a Young Vibrant and Spirit-filled Evangelist; a Pentecostal and Charismatic Minister endowed with Prophetic gifts.
Joel is a seer by the grace of God, an Evangelist & Prophet by Calling full of the Holy Spirit, Wisdom and the Knowledge of God’s Word. He unveils God’s plans to the people in Music, Writings and in The Word..


*Tele:* 07062310185 or 08091798437(WhatsApp)
*Facebook Pages:*
@Evangeliat Joel
@Joel Phillips Music
@Joel Phillips Inspirations

@Minister Joel Obi
@Evangelist Joel Obi
@Joel Phillips Inspirations

*Author: _Joel P. Obi*_

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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