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Hinderances to prayers: How to overcome it
Christian faith principles

Hinderances to prayers: How to overcome it

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There are hinderances to prayers and they can be overcome. Prayer is good as it helps Christians to break spiritual barriers that, naturally, would be very difficult to break in the physical. You will learn one of the major hinderances to prayers in this short guide.

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What are hinderances to prayers?

Hinderance to prayers are the factors that prevent the prayers of a Christian from being answered by God. They can be so potent that they can block the scents or aroma of a Christian’s prayers from reaching heaven.


A scripture on hinderances to prayers of a Christian

I want you to check this interesting scripture on barriers to the prayers of a Christian below:

Proverbs 28:9
One who turns away his ear from hearing the law, Even his prayer is an abomination.

That Bible passage on hinderances to prayers points our attention to one major factor that hinders the prayers of Christians from being answered by God. It’s the law of God or the will of God or the Word of God.

That Bible passage shows us that if you turn your hear away from the Word of God or the law of God or the will of God, then your prayers will be an abomination unto God and will not be answered.

Now what are the ways a Christian can turn his or her hear away from the law of God?


How a Christian can hinder his prayers

The following are the ways you can hinder your prayers from being answered when you turn your ear away from the Word of God:

  • When you are not ready to know the will of God through His Word
  • When you know what His Word says but you are not ready to obey it
  • When you always deliberately excuse and refuse to join gatherings where the Word of God is preached in truth
  • When your only reason for going to church is not to hear and learn the Word of God but to receive answers to your prayers
  • When you don’t have a personal Bible study program
  • When you speak lightly and have disregard for the Word of God
  • When you disregard and disobey warning revelations


Answers to prayers start before you begin to pray

Answers to prayers start days, weeks, months and years before you hit the prayer ground or separate to pray over an issue. How you treat the Word of God before you begin to pray is a major determinant of how God answers your prayers.

Jesus never played with the will of the Father during His life on the earth. He said my food is to do the will of Him that sent Me (John 4:34). I am not surprised that God, the Father, answered all His prayers except the one in the Garden of Gethsemane which was against the will of the Father. He even said His will should be done.

Proverbs 28:9
One who turns away his ear from hearing the law, Even his prayer is an abomination.

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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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