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thank and praise God
Bible Short Reports series

Reasons Why We Should Thank and Praise God (Free PDF downloads)

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There are many reasons why we should thank and praise God persistently and I am using this post and this free gift to show you some of the reasons. I am sure some people may not be interested in this type of article due to the many happenings in our world and the many challenges that a lot of people face today that are trying to take thanksgiving and praise away from our heart and mouth.

Related: How to keep faith in God during hard times

Why we should thank and praise God

We should thank and praise God and these are some of the reasons below:

You are alive to read this. Many people are dying every day due to many factors.

  • If you don’t thank and praise God, it does not change Him. He is the same God
  • If you don’t thank Him, others are doing it and you are just missing out on something.
  • You are missing the opportunity to join the network of angels who are doing it consistently or daily in heaven. When you join this network, things happen miraculously for you on this earth.
  • The Bible commands it. If you are a Christian and you love the Bible, you should obey the Bible. There are countless benefits to obeying the Bible.
  • If you are a parent, you are laving a great legacy for your children. When your children see you thanking and praising God, they will imbibe this great practice and this will go a long way to help them in the future even when you have gone to be with the Lord.

There are many reasons for you to thank and praise God shown in the free ebook gift that I have for in this post. You should just read on.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”There are many reasons why we should thank and praise God persistently and I am using this post and this free gift to show you some of the reasons.” quote=”There are many reasons why we should thank and praise God persistently and I am using this post and this free gift to show you some of the reasons.”]

How to continue to thank and praise despite negative circumstances

Yes I know very well that It’s tough for you especially if you are a Christian in our world of today. You can’t join others in their ungodly practices and their devilish struggle to get things done by all means.

I know things are not really shaping up for you at the moment. I know you are already having that negative feeling that God has abandoned you.

Now don’t stop worshiping and praising God. Don’t stop, there is a countless number of benefits in this practice. God can make that negative situation to become profits for you. The devil wants you to stop believing in God’s love for you.

You need to read this book. It shows you simple information that can help to keep thanking and praising God despite those negative circumstances around you. It shows you the benefits that will accrue to you if you keep your gratitude intact to God, your Creator.

Please download and read this short book today. Click thank God book to download or read online.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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