How to achieve greatness in life and business
awele ilusanmi interview
Christians in Business (Interview Sessions)

Interview with Awele Ilusanmi: President of 1st authors Cooperative Society in Nigeria

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Christian Business: Can we meet you ma. Your name

Mrs.  Ilusanmi: I’m Awele Ilusanmi

Christian Business: What is the name of your organization and what is your role/designation?

Mrs. Ilusanmi: Literary Authors Cooperative Multipurpose Society of Nigeria (link to WhatsApp group). I am the Founder/President

Christian Business: What is the mission/vision of your organization?

Mrs. Ilusanmi: Our Mission is to have an organization where Authors/Writers Support one another to get all the financial help they need to enable them succeed in their writing careers.

Christian Business:  When did you become a Christian?

Mrs. Ilusanmi: 1994

[click_to_tweet tweet=”President of the 1st authors’ cooperative in Nigeria explains, how her Christian faith has helped her, her family and her business. Read more of Awele Ilusanmi Interview” quote=”President of the 1st authors’ cooperative in Nigeria explains, how her Christian has helped her, her family and business. Read more of Awele Ilusanmi Interview”]

Christian Business:  What has been the most remarkable Christian experience you’ve had till date?

Mrs. Ilusanmi:  Keeping faith and believing God is faithful in all circumstances.

Christian Business: What is your most loved bible text/story/passage in the Bible?

Mrs. Ilusanmi: John 3:16 (Cheerful Giving is a Key thing in my life)

Note: Please subscribe at Faith based business for free resources that can help you run successful businesses and still maintain your relation with God.

Christian Business: How has your Christian faith helped you to run your business effectively? (Please write extensively about this to bless other lives)

Mrs. Ilusanmi: There were tough times when I have painfully cried and at my lowest bottom. I became so depressed. I feltl I’m defeated. I felt I have lost all but there was always that encouraging voice of the Holy Spirit that comes to me saying “Hold On. Don’t give Up.”

I kept on confessing, “God will never leave me, no forsake me.” God will make a way of escape for me and He will not allow any temptation that is bigger than me to come near me. In positive confessions, you find strength and you win.

I have gone through tough times and I’m still believing God for more breakthroughs. I advice all Christians never to get to the point when they don’t believe God anymore. Believe God and surround yourself with positive minded people.

Negative people kill dreams and goals. Stay faithful until God proves Himself faithful in your life.

You may also like this: Get this book free: 7 Reasons Why God Wants to Solve Your Problem. Click  I want the book now

Christian Business: What single advice do you have for Christians running businesses?

Mrs. Ilusanmi: Believe that God will bless the works of your hands. Stay true. Be honest. integrity is key. Do not take advantage of people. Pay all men their worth. keep friends with only people that value the Word of God and keep it.
Pay your tithe and offerings.

Of course, I advise they join our authors cooperative WhatsApp group if they are authors (laugh).

Christian Business: What single advice do you have for Christians in work places?

Mrs. Ilusanmi: Be skillful. Be special so that you can create value for yourself and when you are not around, the people will greatly miss you. Become valuable to yourself and to people. Be humble and stay at the top of your game.

Christian Business: What problem do you think needs the Christian faith for solution in your industry?

Mrs. Ilusanmi: Honestly. Integrity. Hard work (we all need the Christian faith to bring solution to dishonesty and all bad habits)

Christian Business: Who is your Christian mentor and how has he or she helped you and your business?

Mrs. Ilusanmi: Bishop David Oyedepo and Pastor Sam and Nike Adeyemi. They are my mentors and their success stories I love to see in my life.

Christian Business: How has your family/friends/close relatives helped you in your business?

Mrs. Ilusanmi: My husband, my Children, my close friends and my Literary Authors Cooperative Team members are my Cheer leaders. They bring the best in me out and are always supportive. I feel very loved and blessed to have people who value my advice, follow through and see the successes that they want.

Christian Business: What is your view about this end time and the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ?

Mrs. Ilusanmi: It is real. Christians should watch, pray and stay faithful.

I hope you enjoyed the Awele Ilusanmi Interview. please watch out for this space for more. If you know you have used the Christian faith to run your business, and you want to be interviewed, please contact us immediately.

Ensure you share this interview with your friends on the social media. Thank you.

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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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