How to achieve greatness in life and business
promise ikpe interview
Christians in Business (Interview Sessions)

Promise Ikpe Interview

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School of BUSINESS

Christian Business: Can we meet you sir. Your name

Promise Ikpe: I’m Promise Ikpe

Christian Business: What is the name of your organization and what is your role/designation?

Promise Ikpe:  Rebrand Africa

Christian Business: What is the mission/vision of your organization?

Promise Ikpe:  To make Africa a first world country

Christian Business:  When did you become a Christian?

Promise Ikpe:  2002

Also Read: Interview with Awele Ilusanmi (Founder of Nigeria’s first Authors Cooperative society)


Christian Business:  What has been the most remarkable Christian experience you’ve had till date?

Promise Ikpe:  The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Christian Business: What is your most loved bible text/story/passage in the Bible?

Promise Ikpe: Greater is He that is in me that He that is in the world

Note: Please subscribe at Faith based business for free resources that can help you run successful businesses and still maintain your relation with God.

Christian Business: How has your Christian faith helped you to run your business effectively? (Please write extensively about this to bless other lives)

Promise Ikpe:  Business is all about creating values, solving problems in the society and being relevant. God’s requires that we love our neighbor as an evidence that we love Him. This could only mean that we solve the needs of our neighbor: putting others first.

The more I desired to help people as propelled by God’s love, the more my customers care relationship gets better as I learned to put my customers first.

Doing things as unto the Lord has also helped me to deliver excellent services to my clients because I serve them as unto the Lord. God has called me unto good works, this affect my choice of business and the aim and objectives.

It’s not about making profit but creating values that’ll benefit my clients. Because I must do good works. My faith drives  my choice of business and the customers relationship and excellence in service delivery

You may also like this: Get this book free: 7 Reasons Why God Wants to Solve Your Problem. Click  I want the book now

Christian Business: What single advice do you have for Christians running businesses?

Promise Ikpe  Do your business as unto the Lord.

Christian Business: What single advice do you have for Christians in work places?

Promise Ikpe:  You’ll give account to God how you represented Him as His ambassador at your work place.

Christian Business: What problem do you think needs the Christian faith for solution in your industry?

Promise Ikpe:  Every facet of life needs the christian faith.

Christian Business: Who is your Christian mentor and how has he or she helped you and your business?

Promise Ikpe:  Bishop Promise Emeribe, while working with him, I learned how to be diligent and resilient

Christian Business: How has your family/friends/close relatives helped you in your business?

Promise Ikpe  My mum especially, calls to know and encourages me to never give up

Christian Business: What is your view about this end time and the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ?

Promise Ikpe:  Heaven is for the prepared, no one goes to hell by mistake. We should be prepared. Who ever is not sure of going to heaven is not going. Be sure, by receiving Christ into your heart

I hope you enjoyed the Promise Ikpe Interview. Please watch out for this space for more. If you know you have used the Christian faith to run your business, and you want to be interviewed, please contact us immediately.

Ensure you share this interview with your friends on the social media. Thank you.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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