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Faith Based Business Books

How to Rescue Your Business from the Grip of the Enemy (ebook)

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School of BUSINESS

Learn these Biblical Secrets of Rescuing Your Finances from the Grip of the Devil

The truth is that if you are a Christian, the devil is interested in your finances and business as much as God is interested in them!

The devil understood the fact that if you become financially prosperous and your business is growing, you will use your resources to advance the kingdom of God!

  • So the devil does not want you to PROSPER financially.
  • He does not want you to PROSPER in your workplace.
  • He wants you to be frustrated with your business.

This is the reason why you need the content of this short ebook. The content reveals some biblical truth you have probably not considered over the years of your Christianity as you run affairs in your life, business or in your workplace.


Get the Rescue Your Business book in either of these ways: (It is a premium book but it is yours free today)

  1. Download a copy in PDF
  2. Visit Smashwords Page to download in any e-format of your choice or read online on your phone. Your coupon code is EL98J (not case-sensitive). You should enter the code prior to completing checkout.

Have you observed that despite the attendance of many prayer vigils and the visitations to many prayer grounds, many people still can’t really make a headway in their businesses and finances? Usually, they always have the same stories year in year out.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”The truth is that if you are a Christian, the devil is interested in your finances and business as much as God is interested in them! Rescue your business.” quote=”The truth is that if you are a Christian, the devil is interested in your finances and business as much as God is interested in them! Rescue your business.”]

What do you think could be the problem?

The truth is that the scriptural facts about business development and financial success are settled in the Word of God but most people are not ready to check out and understand these facts.

This short book tries to set you up to act out your victory over the enemy and his agents in the areas of your business and finances.

Unlike other books of its type, this book analyzed important scriptural truths that can truly liberate you and your business from the claws of the devil.

This book moved beyond the normal prayer of the death of witches and evil people fighting against your business and finances to the scriptural revelations of how God sees your business and finances and what they are supposed to represent with respect to the promotion of the kingdom of God.

Grab the Rescue Your Business book in either of these ways: (It is a premium book but it is yours free today)

  1. Download a copy in PDF
  2. Visit Smashwords Page to download in any e-format of your choice or read online on your phone. Your coupon code is EL98J (not case-sensitive). You should enter the code prior to completing checkout.

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Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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