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sexual abuse of children
Solution for Nigeria

Sexual Abuse of Children: Risk Factors Responsible for the Sexual Abuse of Children

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Let us stop sexual abuse of children.

It is with great pleasure that I bring this interesting initiative on stopping sexual abuse of children to you today. I am excited about it because the people behind this initiative have set out to solve a major problems in our world.

I run problem-solving Christian organization where we use God’s Word to solve practical problems of the society. You need to see my joy when I came across these guys who are behind this initiative or project.

Yes I will allow one of the coordinators to take over from me soon so that you can hear from the horse’s mouth.

The initiative is about stopping sexual abuse of Children in our society. You will agree with me that it is indeed a great project that our society needs at this moment.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”It is with great pleasure that I bring this interesting initiative on stopping sexual abuse of children to you today” quote=”It is with great pleasure that I bring this interesting initiative on stopping sexual abuse of children to you today”]

So enough of the talks from me, let me hand over the talk to one of the coordinators of this program.

One more thing, I will be happy if you can join these great guys to offer any form of help and assistance you can render on stopping sexual abuse of children. Their various feedback mechanisms are included in this post.

Over to you:


Risk Factors Responsible for the Sexual Abuse of Children

An Awesome evening to you. Its me again bringing to you our delectable audience, the FEATURED POST from D C-SAN Campaign.

These factors are responsible for an adult coercing a child into having sex.
Some of these factors are related to the social environment which influences the likelihood of rape and the reaction to it.

In addition, a particular factor may vary in importance according to the life stage of the child. Several factors are believed to increase the risk that a child will be sexually abused.

Among these are:

The age of the child

Young children are usually found to be more at risk of rape than older individuals. This is because, many a time, these children are not yet able to assert themselves, properly distinguishing what is right from wrong.
Their innocence makes it easier for older individuals to take advantage of them, thereby making them victims to the evil machinations of some adults.

According to data from the Justice systems and Rape crisis centers in Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Peru and the United States, between one-third and two-thirds of all victims of sexual assault are aged 15 years or less.

Certain forms of sexual violence are very closely associated with a young age, for instance, violence taking place in schools and colleges etc.

Thanks now and always for your audience and support. See you next time with another informative post from D C-SAN Campaign. From everyone here again, its an awesome evening to you all.

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  • @ D C-SAN campaign or
  • click the link Facebook

You can also be a of this campaign by joining a community of other persons to use their social handles to enlighten the public on this social anomaly.

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  • 08029464758,
  • 08134223961.

Stay Tuned In.
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Stay with D C-SAN Campaign.


Now from me:

I hope you love the short message. Please join this initiative and let us kick out sexual abuse of children from our society.

Note: You can also read How to turn negative situation around

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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