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skills of solving problems
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How to Develop the Skills of Solving Problems as a Christian

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Developing skills of solving problems is an art that must be mastered by every Christian. You are fortunate to come across this post, I am about sharing my discoveries with you.

Related: Enjoy this video below on how to use your problem-solving skills and continue with the article


What are the skills of solving problems?

The skills of solving a problem is the process of using a consistent system or strategy you have mastered over time to provide solutions to problems. This system or strategy is what we called skills which usually develope from habits.

Through repetition, habits can become skills. When this happens you don’t have to consciously focus when you do them. This is a big fact. If you want to develop the skills of solving problems, you must learn to cultivate the common problem-solving habits like:

  • excellence
  • goal setting
  • diligence
  • action orientation
  • positive talk
  • planning
  • and others

You will not just cultivate these habits; you must devote yourself to them. These repetitions translate into the required skills you need to solve problems on your vocation. When the skills are developed, solving problems become a delight to you.

How I use the skills of solving problems

I have developed the skills of solving problems using books. I helped myself to cultivate the good habits necessary to write problem-solving books. I allowed the habit of keeping to my time-table of writing books. I fell in love with writing and documenting book ideas.

I enjoyed the habit of organizing content for future book titles in a diary as I receive inspiration or find relevant notes. I enjoyed reading good books that can help my writing. I loved reading newsletters and from websites of authors and industry experts around the world.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Developing skills of solving problems is an art that must be mastered by every Christian. Learn how to solve problems with this article.” quote=”Developing skills of solving problems is an art that must be mastered by every Christian. Learn how to solve problems with this article.”]

I repeatedly practiced these good habits and I began to develop the skills of solving problems with my books. I have also ensured the continual trimming and development of these skills so that I can continue to move up the ladder of success as an author.

How my problem-solving skills improved

Sometimes ago, I stumbled on one of the first set of articles I wrote many years ago when I was just starting out as a writer and the content and its organization helped me to understand how I have improved my skills of book writing, content organization, and presentation. Those early articles and notes were good but they can’t be compared with the ones I write today.

The bottom line here is that until you are able to form the right habits in your vocation and keep to them, you will not be able to develop good skills of solving problems in your vocation. You must understand that any skill you develop must continually undergo improvement. You must never allow an idle moment, you must keep on using it and you must keep on improving on it.


How Do You Develop the Skills of Solving Problems


1. Understand that You Have Problems to Solve and that There Are Rewards Awaiting You

This step is important because it will go a long way to help your commitment to the process. Habit formation and skills development and improvement are not easy tasks. You must be at the right mentality level which can always keep your focus and attention on the task.

Paul said, “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me” (Philippians 3:12). He pressed because he knew necessity is laid upon him and that there are rewards awaiting him.

The Bible says this about Jesus: “who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2). He knew He had to face the cross to solve the problem of sin and that there is a joy set before Him. Please don’t ignore this step!


2. Find Out Your Problem-Solving Circle

What do I mean by this? I believe you can’t solve the problem of the whole world, only Jesus was able to do that when He solved the problem of sin with His sacrifice on the cross. You need to find out your own problem-solving arena, you need to find out your God-given purpose. You need to find out your arena of specialty. This will help you go through the process adequately. It will help your concentration and development.

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3. Find Out Relevant Habits and Get Committed to Them

There are general successes habits like diligence, excellence, goals setting, persistence, planning, time management, and their likes; you need to embrace these habits. There are also some specific habits that are just peculiar to your industry or your vocation. You must find them out and embrace them.

Good habit formation is very important in this whole process. Jesus knew He must form the good habit of teaching His disciples at regular periods and He kept at this practice. The disciples, after His death and resurrection, began to manifest all they have learned from Him.

Jesus’ problem-solving activities even continued after He left the earth. Let me inform you that as much as you must learn to form good habits, you must also learn to unlearn bad habits.


4. List these Habits, If Possible and Get Devoted to Them

You can go a step further than what I suggested under the last tip by listing the required habits you need to form on paper and get devoted to them. List them and place them where you can see them regularly. When you see them regularly, you will be renewing your resolution to practice those habits.

For example, I fell in love with the habit of studying because it will help my skills of using books to solve problems. Reading and studying relevant information was of top priority for my quest to develop and improve my problem-solving skills as an author.


5. Find a Skillful Mentor

You should also prayerfully look for a skillful mentor or mentors who have results to show in the same vocation or business or trade or profession where you will be solving problems. These ones have already developed the required skills to solve problems in this area, their results can show this. You will be able to learn faster from these types of people.

Have you not heard some football players who have publicly revealed football heroes whose skills and excellence in the field in the past have impressed them? Usually, these players always play almost like their chosen idols. Proverbs 6:6 also reveals that we should “go to the ants…and learn their ways” A mentor can reveal a secret of developing problem-solving skills to you within seconds which ordinarily would have taken you two to three years to find out!

6. Read Relevant Educational Materials

One of the ways you can connect with the mentors I wrote about under the last tip is to read their books or read from whatever medium they use to give out information. You may not be able to meet a lot of them on a one-to-one basis but you can meet them through their books.

I read relevant newsletters, books, blogs, articles that will be of use to my problem- solving skills. I read them regularly. I am subscribed to many of these newsletters and most times I read on my phone. When an educational material has useful content that is relevant to my cause, I go for them.

The Bible shows that “Daniel understood by the books” (Daniel 9:2). We also have read about the love Paul had for these types of materials when he asked Timothy to bring them for him from Troas where he left them (2 Timothy 4:13). I believe those were materials that helped his problem-solving skills.


7. You Need the Ultimate Skills-Training Manual

The ultimate skills-training manual is the Bible. If you are on a God-giving purpose, you will need to be a strong student of His Word in the Bible. You can pick up valuable skills- development habits and skills here. I have been extremely blessed by this Book.

God’s Word in 1 Timothy 3:16 says, “Every part of scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another – showing us the truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word, we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us” (MSG). I can summarize that passage this way: “Through the Word, we can develop our problem-solving skills to fulfill our God-given purpose”.

Moses said this statement to the children of Israel in Deuteronomy 18:15, “The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from your midst, from your brethren, Him you shall hear”. Moses was clearly talking about Jesus Christ here, he was asking the children of Israel (and us) to obey and always hear from Jesus Christ. Now we know that Jesus is the Word of God (John 1:1). If you have any problem, including your search for information on how to develop your skills, you should consult God’s Word.


8. You Also Need Spirit Sensitivity

Jesus showed emphatically in John 16: 13 that the Holy Spirit will teach and guide us into all truths. I love this statement from Jesus Christ, I have leveraged on it to receive inspiration from the Spirit of God. Jesus says one of the duties of the Holy Spirit is to give me important information that I need to help my problems-solving duties on this earth and I have always approach Him for revelations based on this statement.

Let me inform you that there are many occasions when I don’t have to ask God’s Spirit before He shares information with me; He is ever ready to share good and relevant information with born again, maturing Christians. The Bible says in Romans 8:14, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God”

I also read this in Romans 8:16: “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God”. You need to become born again and ensure you mature your spirit consistently if you want to be led by God’s Spirit. Remember it is a Spirit to spirit affair.

I hope you have learned adequately from these practical tips on how to develop the skills of solving problems as a Christian. They are simple steps but you will need to put in everything you have got into the process to reap the good rewards.

I am a Christian personal development expert and a strong proponent of the need for  Christians to walk by faith and  Christian entrepreneurs to run successful godly businesses. Get my problem-solving resources like The Christian Entrepreneur (an ebook), From Business Vision to Manifestation (a video course) on starting a faith-based business that has helped lots of Christians to use godly principles to improve their finances and also run their businesses.


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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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