How to achieve greatness in life and business
Spiritual support for Business Success
Bible Short Reports series

Spiritual help for business success

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Spiritual Help for Business Success

How Chris6tians can leverage their spirituality to establish their businesses

Sesan Oguntade 

Copyright 2018 Sesan Oguntade

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All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version of the Bible (NKJV). Scripture quotations marked (TLB) , (MSG)  and (AMP) are taken from The Living Bible, Message Bible and the Amplified Bible translations respectively.

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Your Commitment Page

“When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, ‘Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.’ But Simon answered and said to Him, ‘Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at your word I will let down the net.’ (Luke 5:4 – 5).

In view of the fact that this is an action guide, I want you to carry out a simple practice before you go fully into this book. I am sure you know that only committed people can make miracles that will “draw up large numbers of fish that will tear the net” as you read from the Bible text above. 

Peter and Andrew made a statement of commitment and actually did what they were expected to do. The result was the fish project they executed successfully.  You will be making a statement of commitment that will help your devotion to this study and your determination to put into practice whatever you will learn from this guide.

If you are ready to go, please say the following declaration aloud to yourself three times and them write your full names and your signature in the spaces provided below. If you are reading an ebook version, you can write out this declaration in a neat note book, sign it and keep it in a safe place. This is the statement of commitment below:

“By the grace of the living God, I am ready to open up my heart to study diligently God’s principles that are discussed in this book. I’m also ready to put to use these principles in order to start businesses and multiply its resources and also use it to bring glory to God almighty and also add profits to me and the society.”

Your Full Name…………………………………

Your Signature with Date…………………………………………………….



Chapter 1: Introduction to spiritual help for business success


A top human development expert whose influence cuts across the African landscape once said, “Every wealthy men and kings I meet all allude to the fact that wealth is spiritual.” That was a basic truth about this topic and the earth where we dwell as human beings. If wealth is spiritual then business, which is a major platform which produces wealth, is also spiritual.   

In fact, everything is spiritual and the spiritual controls the physical. Those who have found a way to manipulate or use spiritual resources to their advantages have really gained maximum benefits and edge over others who have stayed neutral. 

One of the brightest advise on this topic especially to those who do not agree with my submission above is that, “If you fail to find out the right spiritual resources you can rely on to get you the results you desire on this earth, you will be doing yourself, your family and your family a world of harm!”

Back in those bible days, we see the kings rely on magicians and astrologers to ensure their edge over others in the tough environment where they ruled. We also saw how those kings who were faithful to God rely on Prophets to rule effectively and gain maximum edge and advantage.

The question is,”How do you hope to take advantage of spiritual resources to ensure you run a successful business in our world that is extremely spiritual and where spirituality goes a long way to determine the winners?”

Now I don’t want you to get me wrong here. My organization and I are staunch believers in the positive business activities like planning, diligence, proper accountability, practical problems solving and their likes. In fact we teach these effectively in our organization. However, we also believe strongly that you must ensure you embrace and engage positive or the right spiritual activities to make the various practices mentioned above effective.

Some business men have embraced the wrong spirituality (that is the one outside God) and they have had a sad story story to tell. The spirituality outside God is dangerous. It is usually orchestrated by the devil and nothing good comes from the devil. The devil gives to destroy. We have lots of examples even though I will not want to mention names  of celebrities and world’s wealthy men and women here who have been destroyed by the evil spirituality they relied upon to run successful businesses.

The way to the right spirituality are domiciled in the bible (Christians’ holy Book). It contains God’s Word and it contains lots of business -building principles that anyone can use and still not get destroyed. 

By God’s grace, I have proved this with most of my articles, books, videos and video courses and there has been many good reviews from users of these materials.

God is interested in how businesses are run on this earth. He has always been interested. He was practically with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when they ran very successful businesses and still fulfilled their destines in Him. 

If God is interested in how businesses are run in our world, then you can be sure He has provided the right resources in His Word to guide us to discover the spiritual resources that will help us to run successful businesses. 

This is the reason my organization and I exist in the first place – to be a channel where God can push out these principles and ideas to the world. 

Out Faith Based Business book series is doing a great work in this area – all glory to God. 

I am revealing one of these spiritual resources to you in this short book – Spiritual Help for Your Business Success. 

Please enjoy it and let me read from you. God bless you and your business. 

Sesan Ogunotade

+234-07066360364, +234-08034300979


Chapter 2: There Are Business ‘Babies’ in You! 


I got tired of the many obstacles that were throwing themselves at me at a particular stage of my life and I took a decision to approach God in a prayer session to ask for His help. Well, asking for His help was not the major problem with my decision at this time but the content of my prayer point. I wanted God to give me business success and breakthroughs and I vowed to use my breakthroughs and successes to bring glory to Him after He must have delivered them to me.

I labored in prayer and I believed God heard me.

However, the response from God was not a breakthrough as I had expected it but an ‘insight breakthrough’ or a ‘revelation breakthrough’. The Spirit of God ministered to me in a dramatic revelation and told me that, “You don’t ask for babies, you bear them!”

This was a big deliverance for me!  He also once called me a “sleeping giant” at a time of my life when things did not look like I was capable of getting anything done. Further explanations from the Holy Spirit through meditations and Bible study showed how I had decided to become lazy in terms of taking dedicated actions on the business ideas He had ministered to me and how I had resolved to transfer all the responsibilities for breakthroughs and success to God almighty!

Christians, most especially, have allowed these types of prayer points, attitude and mentality to kill the entrepreneurial spirit and initiative in them. I call it spiritual irresponsibility. God gave you and I spirits to connect spiritually with Him. He also gave us minds and brains to connect with the mental power that can help us to get things done on this earth. 

So it is never a God-show alone here on this earth, rather it is a God-man show! God is available to you and your business so that He can work out His powers through you and not to work out His powers for your business for you. 

I believe that should be the first major lesson you should take to heart in this book. God has helped you and has given you lots of leverage by giving these inside treasures which you can use to give birth to great, profitable businesses.  

God is actually waiting for some Christians to unleash their entrepreneurial ingenuity on the world but it is a pity they are still lazing around waiting for God or one angel to do for them what he had already empowered them to do!

You have a great responsibility to push out the business “babies” in you into our world. God is ever ready to help you do that. He provides, through His Spirit, the necessary help for you in this regard. 

Women conceive, carry babies in their wombs and go ahead to bring them out into the world. The babies don’t jump at them from the sky. They conceive and bear them into the world. A big responsibility lies on them to carry the baby in their wombs and give birth to them. The same responsibility lies on you and I to push out the treasures or the businesses that God has deposited into us.


The World Needs your ‘Babies’

I read the interesting story of Sergey Brin and Larry Page, founders of the most popular search engine on the internet, This brave pair took the decision to bear the ‘baby’ called Google Inc. into the world to make it a better place. Though, they found it difficult getting on well when they met but later found a shared common interest in retrieving information from large data sets. The result was the birth of a seminal paper called, The Anatomy of a Large – scale Hypertextual Web search Engine at Stanford University.

This paper later became the ‘baby’ called, Google Inc. which opened in September 1998. Google’s 2-part motto shows the beneficial relevance of this great ‘baby’ to the world: “To make all the world’s information universally accessible and useful” and “Don’t be evil”.

Have they profited from this exercise? Yes. They have. In November 2009, Forbes magazine named them as the fifth most powerful people in the world.

The world is waiting for your brain children; you are not to deprive the world of them. They are in you to affect the world positively and to bring glory to the almighty God. The world is crying and thirsting to have these business ‘babies’ or projects; they have important functions to perform on the earth; I am not surprised the earth and the world are crying to have them. 

The functions they are coming to perform will go a long way to make our world and the earth a better place. I want to believe that you will go to any length to find a cure to any part of your body where you are experiencing pains. If you will do this for yourself, the world or the earth is also seeking your business ‘babies’ or projects to come into it to solve problems in it. 

Please don’t deny the earth of this! 

You should do all you can to give out the business projects you have in you in your lifetime. Don’t lazy around expecting God to do it all for you. 

I have not seen anyone who achieved Godly greatness on this earth who has not given the treasures they have in them to the world. The world has a way of appreciating these kinds of people, it is just the same way you will also go to any length to appreciate any technician who will help you to solve a major technical problem in your life or home.

Therefore, while the world is waiting for your business projects, it is also waiting to give the rewards to you if you will give out what you have in you.

It is the Will of God

“I must work the works of Him who sent me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.” (John 9:4)  “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work.” (John 4:34).

I have quoted two relevant statements of Jesus Christ above and they show a Man who understood He had treasures in Himself to push out into the world. He must do the will of His Father and must also do the work He sent Him to do. The will of the Father for you and I is to use our entrepreneurial ingenuity to ‘help’ the world bringing glory to Him in the process.  He gave those treasures to you and He is interested in how you use them and is ever ready to help you use them effectively.


It Was So in the Beginning

“So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field.”(Genesis 2:20).  Just immediately after God made Adam and set his feet into the Garden of Eden, Adam began to use the treasures in him to complete projects. He began to cultivate the ground and he also named all the animals. His wife and help meet – Eve was later ‘produced’ from him. Eve was made by God from the inside of Adam. She had been there all this while even while he searched amongst the animals for a help meet. The treasure and the beauty called Eve were all this while resting in him!

Your beautiful and treasured ‘Eve’ (business projects) are inside you and you need to start using God’s principles or methods to start pushing them out into the world.


What Happens If I Look Away?

I want you to read this interesting story from James W. Moore’s book, Seizing the Moment about his experience when he was in college. A new student had just been transferred to his school and classroom who sat opposite him. He often looked at this new student and observed he was really not happy and appeared lonely. He felt he needed to get close to him to cheer him up and make him feel comfortable which he never did! 

Then one morning, he picked up a newspaper and was shocked to read a horrible headline: “Local College Student Commits Suicide!”

He found out through the newspaper story that the hopeless local college student was the newly transferred student to his school! This boy took his life because he felt so lonely!

I want to believe even if you have not benefited directly from the values some eminent foundations like Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation are adding to our world, you must have heard about many lives that have been touched positively by these foundations. Bill Gate and the other foundations of these types did not look away when it dawned on them that they had to bear the business ‘babies’ in them.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has given Heifer International an $8.5 million grant to support project work on the East Africa Dairy Development (EADD) project .1

According to a report on the website of the foundation, “The Gates Foundation supports programs that reach 45 countries across the continent, and from our offices in Africa, we focus efforts in the 10 countries where we believe we can have the greatest impact. Our aim is to help leaders and local institutions chart their own path to reduce poverty and improve health.”2

Their entrepreneurial inventiveness produced great products that solved our problems and made life easier for us. Their foundation has continued the good works today. Entrepreneurial successes have turned these people and their foundations into liberators for the world.

Sometimes ago, I had a hot argument with my wife and as I tried to move away from the spot of the hot argument taking some steps away, I began to hear very clearly and repeatedly in my spirit, “Destinies are involved”. This was years before I actually started our Christian organization. I believe the Spirit of God was teaching me how any negative reaction from me at such situations could negatively affect, not only myself and my family, but countless number of people that I have not even met but who are waiting to be influenced by my life and the business and the organization I run. 

That encounter was a huge experience for me at that stage of my life.

Your existence on this earth matters so much to God and lots of other destinies. There are destinies whose survival and successes have been attached to your destiny. There are people who require the ‘babies’ in you to survive or make headway in life! You can’t afford to look away and mind your own business!

Maybe the Local college student would have been alive today doing great things if James W. Moore had pushed out the ‘babies’ in him at that period.


The Boy on Yahoo Answer!

Some years ago, I was on Yahoo Answer! to answer questions of users of this great platform and I came across an interesting post of a boy who said he was tired of life and was ready to take his own life! He was only waiting, according to him, to see a Counselor before he would carry out his evil plan. I responded immediately with the following statement:

“I am happy that you are still alive. I hope you can visit some places in Africa where lots of children are dying every day of hunger. They don’t even have the opportunity to use a computer as you have. Even if they have, they can’t have the strength to hold a computer mouse due to hunger. You have lost everything (so you think) but you still have the opportunity to see a Counselor – you are a lucky chap! You also have someone like me and any other on this forum to answer your question. 

Please you need to return to God through Jesus. He is the One you need if nobody is there for you again. He made you for a reason; you must find out this reason and must fulfill it.

Let me show you one secret: take a decision in your heart after you have returned to God to live your life to solve someone’s problem. You will find a determination from within to live again. With this disposition, you know that some people’s happiness is tied to your life so you would not want to let them down. All great achievers went through one difficulty or the other. Even Jesus faced difficulties. Thanks and all the best”. 

Though I never read from this boy again but I was sure my message got to him and wished he would jettison his evil plan. 

My dear friend, there are countless opportunities around you to put the treasures in you to work here on this beautiful earth to make it a better place. The use of these treasures to start executing great business projects is just a major avenue where they can be put into use.

Do you want to know the major help center you must embrace in order to start running great business projects? Please write the test below and find out in the next Chapter why you need spiritual backing!





Examination Time

Summary:  You should understand that you are created in the image of God. You are His representative on this earth. He expects you to explore this earth using His principles. He expects you to give the world the business projects He puts into you during creation. The world and countless numbers of destinies expect these projects; they will make a world of good to them. Remember that, “You don’t ask for ‘babies’, you bear them”.  You should also remember that destinies are attached to your destiny.  


1.  What was God’s response to my prayers for breakthroughs from Him as you read under this Chapter?

2.  What project did the brave Internet pair of Sergey Brin and Larry Page give to the world that has made life easier for all users of the internet?

3. How do you think James W. Moore must have felt after reading about the death of that new student from the newspaper?

4. What is the best advice you can give to the boy on Yahoo Answer! who got tired of life and planned to kill himself?

Field Activities:  You will be listing the treasures you have observed God puts into you at creation on paper for this Field Activities. You can ask God’s Spirit to help you to find them out.


Chapter 2: Spiritual help for business success: You Need Spiritual Backing


Robert Kiyosaki, the celebrated best selling author of the Rich Dad series has always emphasized the need for  spiritual and mental toughness on the part of entrepreneurs if they hope to succeed in business. 

Robert should know better. He is the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, a book that has been rated as the No. 1 personal finance book of all time. A book rated as the third -longest-running ‘how to’ best seller of all time.  

The relevant catch in this above facts is the acknowledgment of the necessity of spiritual toughness to anyone who wants to succeed in business. Robert has always taught in his book that qualities like spiritual toughness and other important attributes required to succeed in business are not taught in our regular schools. I completely agree with him on this. 

Now the message to you from this reality on spiritual toughness is that you need the potent force of God’s Spirit to help you on the path of spiritual toughness. God’s Spirit can surely give you the required power and help to toughen your spirit as an entrepreneur if ysou maintain a consistent and growing relationship with Him.

Well you can argue (I have heard lots of people do that) that you don’t have to be a Christian to be toughened spiritually. 

Yes I agree.

But there is an extra touch and something that is completely different which God’s Spirit gives you if you allow Him to help you in this regard.

I should mention that there are those who have gone in the direction of the devil and other power sources to receive this type of help but usually it has always led them on the path of destruction and disgrace. There are countless numbers of examples in the public domain.

The question is why go for an option that is not sure to keep you and stop you from been destroyed and disgraced when you can have it free and safe with the Holy Spirit?

Jesus said at the start of His ministry, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach the gospel  to the poor…” (Luke 4: 18)

The Bible also records that it was the same Spirit that led Him into the wilderness. (Matthew 4:4). 

Paul, arguably the most successful Apostles of God, said, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13).

When you allow God’s Spirit to lead you on the path of spiritual toughness for your entrepreneurial journey, you will always have good stories to tell. Believe me; I am speaking from experience and from my careful observation of great business men who have allowed God’s Spirit to shape their spiritual toughness. 

I want you to read on carefully.


Two Stages In Adam’s Life

I want you to look carefully at these two stages in the life of Adam when God made him.

1st Stage: “God spoke: ‘Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature so they can be responsible for the fish in the sea,  the birds in the air, the cattle, and, yes, earth itself,  and every animal that moves on the face of earth. God created human beings; He created them godlike, reflecting God’s nature. He created them male and female. God blessed them: “Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge! Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air, for every living thing that moves on the face of Earth.” (Genesis 1:26-28) (MSG).

2nd Stage: “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being”. “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”(Genesis 2: 16-17).

You will observe that the two stages contain different forms of commandments to Adam from God. Though they were commandments from the same God, they have different attributes because they were giving at two different stages of the life of Adam. The first one was giving to Adam when he existed only as a spirit. The second was giving when he existed as a person in human flesh.

We are going to look carefully at these commands: The first-stage commandment is more of what I call a “must do command” and it has no alternative option. Adam had no option but to be fruitful. Adam does not have the luxury of a free-will response to this commandment, he must be fruitful.  The second-stage commandment has a substitute option; Adam, at this stage can choose to obey any of the two options giving in the commandment. Here, existing now as a person in the human flesh, he had a free-will right to either obey or disobey God’s commandment.

I want you to observe that the first-stage commandment has a lot to do with the real being of Adam. He had the nature of God and existed in the spirit state just as God, so he had no option but to be fruitful, multiply, replenish and subdue the earth. Adam also received this commandment together with his wife at this stage. The Bible says, “Male and female He created them”

The first-stage commandment was for both men and women and was given when they existed in their most useful state – the spirit state. He received the second-stage commandment alone when he now existed in his physical state. Probably, he passed across the message to the wife after she joined him in the Garden.


The Spiritual Controls The Physical

God understood the importance and relevance of the spirit state of Adam and that was the reason why He gave him an important, no- substitute commandment in this state. A good consciousness of this commandment and the relevance of a continuous healthy spiritual state for Adam will go a long way to make him continue to do well on the earth. In the second commandment, God gave him the first option of obedience to always get him connected to the no-option commandment and arrangement given to him when he existed only in the spirit state. 

Adam however toyed with this provision by jettisoning this first option giving in the second commandment which was prepared to help him maintain a healthy spiritual state that will continue to make him churn out great projects that will be of great use to the earth and that will also bring glory to God almighty.

The spiritual controls the physical. You and I are created in God’s image. God is Spirit so we are principally spirit beings. It is our duties to leverage the various spiritual provisions by God to function effectively on this earth. I make bold to say that you will not be able to effectively run a successful business projects that will be clean, endure and bring glory to God if you are careless with these spiritual provisions from God especially with the filthy state of the business world and the market places. The spiritual purity and toughness to stand on the path of business decency and Godliness will not be available to you.

The stinking business environment and the many sharp practices will either throw you out of business or win you over to its sides. Of what use is your business success if you lose your morality and decency and Christianity?

Adam did it and got thrown out of the Garden of Eden – his God-given area of manifestation!  These spiritual provisions for your spiritual toughness to run a clean business are available in God’s Word as we have it in the Holy Bible.  


Centurion’s Interesting Declaration

“Lord, do not trouble yourself; for I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof.  Therefore I did not even think myself worthy to come to you. But say the word, and my servant will be healed.  For I also am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” (Luke 7:6-9).

I love the faith story in this Bible passage. What the Centurion described in this passage showed how the true Christian faith works. 

I got so excited and inspired by this story that I wrote a short Report, How to Fly with Your Faith and an online video course, Christian Faith principles on it (it is available free at our website and the the Resources Section for download instructions). This man showed from his statement that physical manifestations are not possible on this earth except there is a spiritual backing or spiritual authorization. He was dazed by news of Jesus’ many miracles and exploits and he concluded that there was a greater spiritual authority backing up Jesus Christ.

Jesus confirmed this when He said to His listeners, “You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one. And yet if I do judge, my judgment is true; for I am not alone, but I am with the Father who sent me.”  (John 8: 15-16). His judgment is true because He has a great backup from the Father in heaven. If you have toyed with this fact before, you need to have a rethink.

“Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him.” (John 3: 2). A religious leader of the time also echoed the same fact just as the Centurion did. 

Some folks have discovered this fact and due to impatience and demonic manipulations have gone outside God to search for this backing!  The results have been very fatal and disgracing. We have seen lots of musicians who have great natural Godly talents in them but who have dined with the wrong, foul spiritual forces in their search for these types of backings. We have all witnessed their shame, disgrace and untimely death even at the height of their fame. I am sure you don’t want to end this way.


Chapter 3: How to Qualify For This Spiritual Backing


God is Spirit and those who must worship Him or relate with Him must do so in spirit.” (John 4:24). The book of Romans also says that, “The Spirit of God bears witness with our spirits.” (Romans 8:16). You cannot relate with a God who is Spirit and who is alive and expect to receive His help in toughening your spirit if you have a dead spirit and you walk in the flesh! 

The faith walk or flight is majorly a spiritual one. You must first of all take the first simple step of faith of coming to God through Jesus Christ before you can begin to do other things with your faith. The Bible says that those who must come to God must know that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him diligently.” (Hebrews 11:6). When you come to Him through Jesus to forgive your sins, you are demonstrating the first basic faith step everybody born into this earth must carry out.

Remember that the centurion, the woman with the issue of blood and the blind Bartimaeus  took the first step of approaching Jesus. If you don’t know this already, you have a dead spirit if you are not born again. When Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden, he single handedly imputed sin into any man that will be born of man thereafter.  But all thanks to God’s grace and mercy, Jesus, the last Adam came to the rescue of man; He died, shedding His blood in the process to wipe away our sin. 

This is the reason why the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:21-22: “For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all died, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.” If you have not said the salvation prayer before and you would like to do it now, please say the following prayer from your heart:

Father in heaven, forgive my sinful past. I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins and His shed blood has wiped away my sins. I believe He is the Son of the Living God. I accept Him as my Lord and Saviour. I want Him to begin to rule in my life as from now on. I believe I am saved and I know you will begin to help me to run a successful business. Thank you God for hearing my prayer.”

Congratulations!  Please let me read from you.


Chapter 4: Spiritual help for business success: How Sally Bush Did It With God’s Help


Sally Bush, a God-fearing woman who had two step-children, Sarah and Abraham, every Sunday, faithfully took her children by horse back to a country church. Abraham and Sarah listened with interest as the old preacher preached with faith the message of ‘You can do it with God’. Abraham never had more than a total of one year’s schooling in his entire life. He made do with lots of informal education reading books and the Bible.

Many years later, when this boy became a man (Abraham Lincoln), he stirred his nation with his speech on the union and slavery quoting from books and the Bible. He had learnt from the sermons of the old preacher how all things are possible with God. This truth coupled with the informal education he gave himself helped to toughen him and to overcome series of failures to become the elected president of the United States of America at the age of fifty two.

When God is your backbone, you can overcome obstacles no matter how big they are to give the world lots of business projects that will make it a better place and also give glory to God.

Moses caught a revelation of this fact when he declared, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.”  (Exodus 33:15).  He knew they can never execute the projects in front of them without spiritual backing from heaven. If you read the story of the children of Israel’s movement from Egypt to the Promised Land, you will understand further the relevance of the content of this Chapter. Only spiritual backing from heaven could make a group of untrained people in warfare to overcome and possess the land of wealthy nations with trained men of war.  

Many years ago, I couldn’t have imagined I would be able to write books that many would read around the world and which would bring many testimonials from readers and users of the books. However, blessed was the day I discovered John 15:5b where Jesus emphatically declared, “without Me you can do nothing.” and blessed is the Spirit of God who has opened me up to more mysteries behind that golden statement over the years.

With Him, I can do something – start and successfully run business projects in my lifetime that will add values to the earth and the people who dwell on it and also give glory to God.

This can be your testimony too; go after God with everything you have got, His spiritual support is available to anyone who will be ready to seek for it. He says in Matthew 7:.7, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” 

The spiritual backing from God and His Spirit will help you all the way in your business journey and also help to toughen you spiritually so that you can have the strength and wisdom to face the journey and make a success of it without breaking His rules or infringe upon the rights of any human being and society.


Chapter 5: The Story of the First Female Millionaire in America


I once read the story of a great woman who told the world the source of her support for the success she made of her hair care beauty business that turned her into the first self-made female millionaire in America. This is the story of late Madam C.J Walker, founder of Madam C.J Walker Manufacturing Company.

She was born into a slave family, lost her parents when she was just seven, suffered abuse at the hands of her sister’s husband. Due to these many troubles, she married very early and got widowed at the age of nineteen! Despite all these troubles, she, after listening to a motivational speech, took the decision to do something good with her life. She had problems losing her hair and several hair products had failed to solve the problem.

She turned to God for help. She prayed for inspiration from God for her hair troubles. God answered her prayers. She said, “God answered my prayer, for one night I had a dream, and in that dream a big black man appeared to me and told me what to mix up for my hair”. The divine remedy solved her hair troubles but God intended to do more for her than just solving her hair troubles. God had just placed in her hands a multi million-dollar business project that would turn her life and many others around.

According to her, “…I mixed the remedy, put it on my scalp, and in a few weeks my hair was coming in faster than it had ever fallen out. I tried it on my friends; it helped them. I made up my mind I would begin to sell it.” She made a success of this great business venture and profited immensely from it adding lots of values to other women of her race. It is very clear that the spiritual support of God was available for her and her hair care project. He supplied the idea and helped her turned it into a great business project.

W.E.B Dumois wrote an obituary for this great woman when she died in 1919. It reads: It is given to few persons to transform a people in a generation. Yet this was done by the late Madam C. J. Walker.”


 Chapter 6: Get Every Help You Can Get From God for Your Business 


I have been able to show you with the content of this short book that God’s help is available for you as an entrepreneur. You need to go all out to grab it and use it consistently in your business. It gives you that super edge that any other person who is not a Christian cannot get. 

I showed you how to qualify for this spiritual help and I believe you will read that Chapter again so that you can position yourself to benefit from this help. 

I am sure so many Christians will not benefit from this type of help in their businesses due to ignorance, sinful lives, arrogance, and some other ungodly practices they get involved in. But you have been educated now with this book and I will also desire you read some of my other book titles in this Faith Based Business book series (Read more information about it in the next Chapter).

The contents of these book titles will strengthen your believe in God and in His readiness to help you in your entrepreneurial journey on this earth.

God is deeply interested in how businesses are run on this earth and He deeply wants to help you and your business. 

Will you allow Him? 


Declare for Jesus Christ 

If you are reading this book and you are yet to become a child of God but you have enjoyed the workable principles shared in it, you should understand that the principles were delivered to me by God’s Spirit. 

You can also have the opportunity to enjoy this privilege if you become a child of God by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. 

Moreover, you will be able to enlist the forces of heaven to help you in your business. Remember that spirituality is one of the main factors that determine the success of any venture on this earth. 

Say this simple prayer now:

“God, I am a sinner, forgive me my sins. Use the blood of Jesus Christ to watch me clean from my sins. I know Jesus Christ is the Son of God and I know He died for my sins shedding His blood for my sins. I accept Him as my Lord and Saviour today.  Thank you for answering my prayers, I know and believe that I am saved now. “

Please let me read from you. Send your email to or or call +234-07066360364 or +234-08034300979 (WhatsApp).

Read about the  Faith Based Business book series in the next Chapter and write your closing test after that. 


Chapter 7: About the Faith Based Business Series 


Thank you for going through this short book religiously. I believe the content will go a long way to help you and your business. I have, through the help of the Spirit of God, tried to explain biblical principles that can greatly help you to compete excellently and righteously with your business in our world of today.

I used simple language and descriptions to teach the content of this book. I am sure you will be able to master the principles shared and apply them to your life and business. 

I am sure you will also like to read about other editions in the series. You will be shown how to obtain other editions that have been released in this series shortly. 

The Faith Based Business Series is a section under the Visionary Business Project which runs with the vision  of raising God-conscious, God-fearing and problem-solving CEOs, entrepreneurs, and work-place professionals that will conduct activities in their businesses and work places to glorify God on this earth.

With this series, books and other forms of information products are used to convey this divine message to the world. 

Read more about the Visionary Business Project at


Get Your Hands on Other Books in This Series

Please visit to see details of other books and information products that have been published under this series. 

Contact Zarepath Publishing at or WhatsApp 08034300979 for.more information.


Book Titles Published Already

1.Spiritual help for business success

2.Spiritual help for business success

3.Spiritual help for business success


Spiritual help for business success


Spiritual help for business success

 Examination Time

Summary: Man was never created by God to succeed without His help. Man’s principal form of existence is spiritual; he must always lean on God for survival. He must ensure this spiritual connection on this earth through diligent obedience to His instructions. Adam failed to keep to this and he lost his divine connection to God and was sent packing from the Garden of Eden where he was doing exploits completing projects for God. You must ensure you are always a candidate of God’s spiritual backing. The spiritual purity and toughness to stand on the path of business decency and Godliness can be received from the Spirit of God.


1. Can you list one single reason why you need the spiritual backing of God?

2. What must you do to ensure God’s spiritual backing is always for you and with you?

3. What do you think was the secret behind Madam C.J. Walker’s exploits as a business woman?

Field Activities: If you know you have not really enjoyed the spiritual backing of God over the years or you strongly feel something is not right in your relationship with God, you should try and separate yourself to seek His face in prayers. Let Him show you what you are doing wrong that has created a vacuum between you and Him. 

Get Your Hands on Other Books in This Series

Please visit to see details of other books and information products that have been published under this series. 

Note: If this book has been of immense benefits to you, please go to the online store where you obtained it and write a review, I will appreciate this. I want as many people as possible to read this book; your review on these online platforms will go a long way to help this cause. After you have written your review, you can send an email to me at or to inform me about the review you have written.

Thank you so much and God bless you. 

Sesan Ogunotade

234-08034300979, 234-07066360364

About The Author

Spiritual help for business success

Sesan Oguntade is an insightful teacher of the Word, Bible Success Researcher, Success Motivator, Christian Personal Development Expert and Author of many books amongst which is the popular “Jesus and Your Success” (available free with over 25 other titles in the Bible Short Reports series at ). 

He believes that the solution to ANY problem lies in the WORD of GOD. His central message to the world is “without Jesus, you cannot succeed” (John 15:5b). 

He presides over Solutioners Christian Centre, headquartered in Ogun state, Nigeria, a Christian organization with the vision of raising problem solvers in the society

He is also the founder of The Success Laboratory International Seminars, a platform where pure Bible principles that solve practical societal and personal problems are taught. 

He is also the Proprietor of The Book Academy, a Christian personal development school with the vision of raising problem-solving students who will not lag in diligence but fervent in spirit serving the Lord (Romans 12:11). All the details of the school can be found at

You can add him on Facebook:

You can follow him on twitter, @SesanOguntade. 

You can watch video versions of his teachings and programmes at

He is married to Olutoke Success Oguntade and they are blessed with children (Abigael and Maranatha and Treasure).

When he is not spending time with his family and loved ones, he is writing, reading or selling books and information products. When he is not doing all these, he is taking a walk or watching football matches. 


Get Your Hands on Other Books in This Series

Please visit to see details of other books and information products that have been published under this series.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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