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What type of sinners are you

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What type of sinners are you? I am sure you are surprised i am asking you this type of question today.

Well this article topic was motivated by a counselling session i had with a teenager some weeks ago. I used the opportunity to let him understand how he must begin to relate with people based on his understanding of who they are really. This is particularly relevant in his relationship with sinners.

When you get to the end of this article, you must have fully understood how you can begin to relate with sinners at different levels. This understanding is important so that you will be able to avoid getting yourself into dangers and also so that you can be able to carry out your divine task of leading sinners to Jesus Christ.

Types of sinners

There are two types of sinners: the one who go into sins but sincerely desire a way out. The other is the one who goes into sin but does nor feel remorseful and is even ready to defend it and also to teach others.

The unrepentant sinner

I don’t really advise Christians to have anything to do with this second set. If they call themselves Christians it is a lie; they have deviated from tbefaith.

He that is born of God does not sin. Even if he goes into sin, he desires a way out. He cries unto God for help. He does not teach others to do so.

Paul warned Christians severally in his letters to beware and avoid these types of sinners. They can surely lead you away from the Lord and also lead you to danger.

If the Holy Spirit inspires you to pray for this set, you can do so.

The Ignorant Sinners

The other type of sinners surely deserves our friendship. They are ignorant of what they are doing. They are not defending their sins. They may argue with you but they are doing it ignorantly.

This set deserves our prayers and visitation. We should pray for them and talk to them in a non- aggressive way about why they have to change.

How have you related with sinners? Please let me know in your comments.

Are you also deep into sin? You need to consider asking God for forgiveness. You need to ask Jesus to become your Lord and Saviour today. The power of God and the blood of Jesus can save you from your sins no matter how dirty it is.

Please let me read from you if you have said the prayer.

Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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