Bola Ajagun werkte vele jaren als leraar wiskunde bij de federale overheid van Nigeria. Hij had de beginselen van de meeste Bijbelse financiële successen al vanaf zijn tienerjaren geleerd en…
Una historia práctica e ilustrativa No permita que la fe sea una un misterio para usted.Este libro contiene historias sencillas y gráficos para demostrarle de qué se trata la fe,…
Las adicciones son un problema serio. Y para un problema serio, necesitamos soluciones serias. Puedes encontrarlas en el libro ´´Tu puedes parar de masturbarte y acabar con cualquier adicción´´ Nos…
Se tu gostarias de ter alguns princípios Cristãos para gerir um negócio bem sucedido, então este livro é para ti. Tu podes na realidade levar o teu pequeno negócio a…
This is one of our motivational video courses. It is prepared with practical Christian principles that are fully biblical. I used interactive PowerPoint demonstrations to teach this inspirational video course.…
What are the best ways to prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ today? I believe this should be a very important question most Christians should be asking today.…
This information about the Christian Book Academy will be of great use to you. Our programs and courses have helped lots of people in one way or the other over…
You can start a faith-based business and run it effectively to glorify God. Your life, your business, and your finances can experience progress, solve the problems of the people and…