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Visionary Business Project

God-given vision: How to patiently fulfill it

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If you have a God-given vision to run with, you will need the revealed secret in this post to run with it and fulfill it. When God gives a vision, He has already equiped you with the resources to fulfill it. However, you will require the simple and very important truth in this article to achieve your God-given vision.


What is a God-given vision?

A God-vision is an idea, a project that God has inspired you with for the purpose of executing it. God usually inspires people with divine ideas and He expects these divine ideas to be successfully executed.


How do you fulfill God-given vision

There are already many step by step guidelines online and in books on how to fulfill a God-given vision. I have also written extensively on how to run visions on this blog.

I am however, discussing the relevance of patience to your quest to fulfill God-given visions. You will always need to be a patient Christian if you want to walk successfully with God to fulfill your destiny.

A God-given vision requires you to learn to how to wait patiently on God to get the projects done exactly the way He wants it. This waiting requires lots of patience on your path. Guys who run faster than God in the process of fulfilling a God-vision usually run into very difficult problems that usually terminate the project.


A story on patience needed to fulfill a God-given vision

This interesting story which Jesus told about God’s kingdom shows very clearly why every God-given vision will require patience on the part of the person running with the vision. He said from the story, “How can I picture God’s kingdom? It’s like yeast that a woman works into enough dough for three loaves of bread and waits while the dough rises’ (Luke 14:20-21) (MSG).

The woman, after working the yeast into the dough must wait patiently for the dough to rise. The same applies to you if you are running with a God-given business vision. You must not tolerate impatience. You must wait to see the vision speak.


Impatience can hinder a God-given vision

I believe impatience is one of the major tactics the devil is using today to take the focus of Christians and non-Christians alike away from God and righteousness. Everybody wants it fast and in a record time.

But success, accomplishments and exploits in God is not always like that. Most times, patience is a virtue you must possess if you really want to walk with God to fulfill your destiny or start and reap the success fruits from a Godly business projects.


Patience is a course no one wants to offer

God’s Spirit once put this line into my heart when I tried to put a report together on the topic, patience: “Patience is a course many people are not to ready to offer and pass in the school of Godly wealth and prosperity”.

This is indeed a true saying. Lots of Christians get themselves involved in many shady deals in their offices, associations and even in the church because they want to prosper financially. They are not ready to stand with God to receive His blessings at His own time on their works and businesses.

The spirit of impatience is indeed tearing apart the focus, dedication and loyalty of Christians into shreds today. We need God’s divine intervention!


Pray for the spirit of patience to fulfill a God-given vision

You should begin today to start praying for the spirit of patience even as you start nursing the ambition to have Godly prosperity and run businesses according to the rules and regulations of God. You can’t prosper in a Godly way if you are an impatient fellow.

Patience is a big requirement to exceute God-vision; there is nothing you and I can do about it. It is the Word of God!

Further Reading: Acts 13:46, Romans 12:12, Luke 8:15, 1 Timothy 6:11

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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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