How to achieve greatness in life and business
the power of vision
Christian faith principles

The power of vision: How to see right (Infographics)

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The power of vision was what God taught Abraham in Genesis Chapter 13. God also did the same to Jeremiah in Chapter 1 of his book. God also did that to other individuals He used in the Bible in one way or the other.

I can also call this the power of seeing right because what God actually did to these individuals was to make them see right so that His promises to them can come to pass. These guys saw well and they fulfilled their destiny in God.

Related: Watch the power of vision video below:

What is the power of vision?

The power of vision is the strength, ability, and belief that a vision or what you have seen spiritually brings into your life to achieve a particular project.

Related: how to cultivate the right vision


The power of vision: God can’t help if you don’t see well

power of seeing right

God can’t do much with your life or in your life if you don’t always position yourself to see right or catch visions from Him no matter the promises He has given to you. Abraham had to learn this truth in Genesis 13: 14-15, 17 when God told him the piece of information below:

“And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: “Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are—northward, southward, eastward, and westward; for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever.”

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power of seeing right

I want you to note what God said: “For all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever.” Despite the fact that God had made very big promises to Abraham in Genesis 12 when He called him out from his native land, God still had to let him know he has a very important role to play to receive the promises – he had to see right!

The power of vision: Lift up your eyes

the power of vision


Box A shows Abraham must lift up his eyes to see. This implies that he must be ready to catch the right vision consistently on his journey to the promised land of the promises of God to him. You have to be thirsty and hungry to receive a vision from God. Even if you have received a major vision and you are already pursuing it, you must always position yourself to receive what I call ‘implementation vision’ form God on a regular basis.

Related: Get the guide and video resources on how we (myself and my wife) walked by faith to defeat barrenness and poverty in our marriage. Fill the Visionary Business Project form below:


See the vision

Box B shows the seeing of the actual vision. Naturally, if you follow the instruction under Box A, you will always catch the right vision from God. You should be a student of the Word of God to see right constantly.

Related: Power in the Word of God to do exploits


Arise and Walk

Box C shows the need for Abraham to rise and walk. This implies that you have to take the proper step to take the first steps on the received vision. I always advise people to do the following at this stage:

  • Write down the vision you have received
  • Take time to pray over it to receive more inspiration or explanation about the vision from the Holy Spirit
  • Go ahead and carry out necessary researches on the vision you have received. The truth is that there is nothing really new under the sun. There is likely to be someone who must have achieved similar things in the area of the vision you have received.
  • Write out a step-by-step guide on how you hope to execute the vision starting from the least possible things you can do.
  • Find out available resources that are necessary to kickstart the execution of the vision


The power of vision: Take action

Box D shows the necessity to take action on what you have highlighted under Box C above. I advise that you do the following:

  • Begin to use the available resources to execute the first step on your action guide
  • Don’t stop action. Don’t give in to disappointment or failure. Keep up the work
  • Identify and celebrate little results and ensure you thank God for them
  • Use profits or increase in resources to expand the operation and bring in more people into the project


God becomes fully committed

Box E shows how God can then become fully committed to your project after you have gone through the first 4 stages. You have a part to play to get God to be fully committed to your project or to ensure the fulfillment of His promises to you.

Abraham had to learn this very early in his relationship with God because it was very important to the fulfillment of the promises of God to him. You should fully embrace this truth and principle to get God fully committed to your life, project and to ensure His promises to you come to pass.

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Get the guide and video resources on how we (myself and my wife) walked by faith to defeat barrenness and poverty in our marriage. Fill the Visionary Business Project form below:

Interesting Faith Resources








Article written by:

I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.

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